Thursday, November 21, 2019

Someone aske me what I plan on doing when I retire.

I think I'll get a part time job gathering shopping carts at a supermarket or maybe Target or Wally World. I could probably use the exercise.

I will also find time to work with amputees at the local VA hospital. I seem to do well with them because I don't forget that they are still one of the guys. Just because someone lost a couple of legs doesn't mean he's not one of the guys.

I get along with old people too for the same reason.

What we do to our elders is often a disgrace. A guy may be 107 years old but somewhere along the line people seem to kick him out of the Official He Man Woman Haters Club and treat him like a little kid. It's just plain wrong.

I don't treat them that way and generally get along pretty well with them.

A few years back I got hurt and took therapy with an old WW2 paratrooper and really busted his chops. He's do his reps and I'd make him do an extra "One for the Airborne" and listen to him bitch and moan.

He accused me of being a Goddamned sergeant and I told him I was. 

He griped to me that when he was a private it was sergeants that made his life miserable and later when he commissioned to lieutenant and was given a platoon his company commander told him to listen to his platoon sergeant. He said he could never get away from them and now he was an old man and still had to put up with them. He was hilarious.

Apparently I had done something right because the therapy people asked me to change my schedule to his because I got him worked up enough to actually do all his reps correctly. We kind of became a team.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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