Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I just got an email joke about Medicare part G.

which is where they give you a pistol and 4 cartridges and you go out and shoot 4 politicians and go to jail.

Need new teeth? An operation of some sort? No problem! The prison system likely had a better health plan than most of us do.

It was an interesting email.

I sent a comment back that I was a tar and feather sort of guy, myself.

It is now -7 outside. School has been called off and I am home with a couple of waffles and a pair of fried eggs this morning. I made a larger than usual pot of coffee, too.

Yesterday I had to bail out early because I got a call from Neighbor Bob who had managed to tear up his pickup by hitting a greasy patch of road and wrapping the nose around a phone pole or something. Bob was unhurt but his pickup looks like hell. It had to be towed.

Bob has a bad habit of taking backroads everywhere for some reason. While he knows them all much better than I do, in bad weather it's generally a good idea to stick with main drags. They get taken better care of than side roads.

In other news the washing machine purchased in '01 gave up the ghost. The tub rusted through. I'm going to try and get a new tub even though I know I ought to get a new machine. We'll see how that works out. Truth is, Mrs Pic likes the machine.

Someone remind me to write about washing machines tomorrow as I have done some research and someone else explained that Consumer Reports is not all it is cracked up to be.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. When my water heater started leaking, a repairman told me I'd be better off fixing it because the tanks in new heaters aren't nearly as good quality as ones even just 5 or 10 years old.

    Luckily for me, all it needed was a replacement overflow value and a new thermocouple.

    By the way, who was it who rolled that burning tire down Prospect Street?

  2. Hmmmm....Better call the Honolulu police and find out where Charlie Chan is. Maybe he can solve this mystery.

    It very well may be the guy that sent out Morse code messages claiming to be a Japanese holdout in New Guinea.

    Then again maybe not.

    Who knows?
