Sunday, August 5, 2018

What constitutes an alcoholic?

This subject has come up several time over the years among the guys over either beers or coffee. 

I have heard numerous definitions and finally I came up with one that actually seems to hold water.

Some people say much of it is not the quantity someone drinks but the reason they drink. For others is is the amount that people drink. For some it is the when and why and others yet put a schedule on it. For example someone that drinks every day.

The Gospel According to Piccolo states that any person that drinks more then their doctor does is an alcoholic.

If your doctor is a hardened quart a day man and you drink a six pack nightly you're OK. If you drink more than a quart of hard liquor a day you have a problem.

On the other hand if your doctor is a teatotaler and you have a beer on July 4th, a glass of wine with Thanksgiving dinner and an eggnog at Christmas he's likely to decree you as a full blown rummy. 

The worst scenario possible is having a recovering alcoholic for a doctor. If that's the case you're in trouble because you are a full blown rummy if you even drive past a liquor store more than once a year.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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