Wednesday, September 18, 2019

With all this governmental to-do over vaping

we can expect to see an awful lot of people return to smoking cigarettes.

This is typical.

We find a substitution for smoking cigarettes that is less harmful to the health. A few people get sick because of it and we try and regulate it. People return to the habit with bigger health risks that drove them to vaping in the first place.

Actually there is somewhat of a problem with some of the flavored vaping juices. The idiots that sell the various juices ate using things that are not good for people. Someone said "Anti-freeze to make blueberry flavor" as an example. While I seriously doubt that they are actually using anti freeze, I can imagine that the flavored juices are not all made with genuine organic hippie approved ingredients.

Some of the flavored juices probably are made with less than healthy ingredients. If so someone ought to go to jail.

Still, now the government is charging in not on the specific problem of unsafe juices, but of the habit as a whole.

Big government is going to butt in and it won't be long before vaping is so regulated that people return to smoking cigarettes.

Par golf.

Mark Twain once described a camel as a horse that was designed by a committee. This situation is going to be yet another case where Mark Twain gets proven right.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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