Thursday, October 31, 2019

I had a pretty good night's sleep last night

which is a joy.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

So far

 I have noticed that there has been no specific unit identification of the guys that whacked Baghdadi and to me that is a good thing.
So far it seems to be attributed to the Delta Force, which the Pentagon says does not exist and "the Rangers"
Which Rangers? The New York Rangers? The National Park Rangers? Roger's Rangers? The latter are a little long in the tooth to have pulled that one off.

In short, a unit has not been identified and if it ever is it will likely come from a Congressional leak.
Joe Biden identified SEAL Team Six as the guys that got Bin Laden and it eventually cost us the lives of 30 of our guys.
FDR covered Hornet for its part in the Dolittle Raid by saying the raid came from our secret base in Shangri La.
Personally if I were Trump I'd tell CNN the raid was pulled off by Girl Scout Troop 653 of Crystal, Colorado. CNN would go nuts trying to find a Girl Scout troop in a ghost town in the middle of nowhere and look like the fools they are.
Of course the 'He's not presidential enough' set would go ape shit if Trump said, "The fairy fucking godmother did it!" Personally I would laugh like hell.
One thing, though. Trump tipped off Putin with good reason. He wanted to avoid any possibility of a Russian/American conflict in the area. Please note he did NOT notify Congress because he knew damned good and well it would be leaked and Baghdadi's boys would have been tipped off and our guys slaughtered.
Trump has already said this. He didn't notify Congress because he didn't want any of our guys killed.
It's a pretty sorry state when a Congress people would let their hatred of the President permit them to have our troops slaughtered to embarrass him. It's de facto treason, a capital crime and should be treated as such. ANY congress person that leaks anything that leads to the injury or death of any US troop deserves the needle.
I'm going with the Girl Scouts of Crystal, Colorado for one hundred, Alex.

Update: Word is it was Delta Force (a unit the Pentagon says doesn't exist) and the 75th Rangers supplied some of the muscle. In my opinion they should not have identified anyone involved.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

If I am not mistaken it is getting near time for a club I belong to to

and hold elections.

The annual election for the office of Dictator for Life is coming up.

It's an annually elected position but that's the title.

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Monday, October 28, 2019

Trump said he was going to do this and he did.

One of the things Trump said he was going to do as CinC is not announce his plans and he didn't in this case.

A couple of days ago we just removed an ISIS big shot. He's dead and we don't have to worry much about him anymore. One Mr. Baghdadi is now standing in heaven in sad disappointment.

The promised 72 virgins are not there for him because US Servicemen have gotten there first. He's probably going to be met by 72 worn out nasty old whores. I heard at the funeral of one GI his angry wife wanted payback and told her husband, "When you get there cheat on me!"

So much for that.

Back when Trump was running he said he wasn't going to announce military action ahead of time and this is one case of a fulfilled campaign promise. He quietly sent our service people to take care of business. Apparently they did with remarkable success. I heard we didn't lose a man. I read two slightly wounded and one K-9 injured. The two wounded are reported to be back on duty.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, Nancy and company are all pissed off because he didn't tell them ahead of time. He just went and had it done. This is fine by me because there are too many congresscritters would have leaked it beforehand just to make the mission fail just to see Trump embarrassed.

There are too damned many people in Congress that hate Trump so bad that they don't give a damn how many US Service people come home in a box if it embarrasses the President.

Of course, none of these people have sons or daughters in uniform. Actually this holds true for the bulk of the country. This ain't WW2 when we had 12 million people in uniform.

I've said this before, I'll say it again. When the kid down the street gets killed overseas it's a shame and you bring over a casserole on your way to the mall. When it's your kid it is a horrible tragedy the family never recovers from.

Every so often I run into a man that is younger than I am that lost his son in Afghanistan.  He's aged horribly and now looks older than I am. It's a terrible thing to see.

I sometimes wonder if the reason his son got killed is because then president Obama announced our plans.

I have no problem whatsoever with Trump withholding future plans from Congress, especially the House because it saves lives and accomplishes the mission.

What I WOULD like to see is some of these Congressional leakers caught, tried for high treason, convicted and executed. Maybe then it would make a few things change.

If you don't like it then take a long hard look at your children. How would YOU like to see one of them come home in a box because some dime store congress critter tipped off the enemy to embarrass the president? It puts the shoe on a different foot, doesn't it? Now it's not the kid down the street. Oh, well. You don't have to cook dinner tonight. One of the neighbors will be by with a casserole on their way to the mall.

Below is a link to Trump's victory speech. It's not in Youtube and I didn't know how to post it because of that. I think it's worth watching.

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Saturday, October 26, 2019

I see where another retired general has run his mouth and insulted POTUS.

I am not surprised. He was promoted under Obama and it shows.

Let's look at the majority of general officers. They are political animals. You can make it to colonel by being a good soldier but becoming a general requires being a politician which outright sucks.

It's actually a part of the reason the army is what it is today.

Ever since Grant was elected a lot of generals seem to think the presidency should be occupied by retired general and some start getting political. It doesn't work, of course although there have been notable exceptions like Eisenhower. 

Still, Ike was more of a politician than a fighting man's general. He was a politician appointed to run the ETO because of his ability to hold a coalition together. He could rein in personalities like Patton and Montgomery.

Trump's recent withdrawal from Syria has gotten congress and a bunch of retired generals all steamed up because it opens the area up to the Russians.

Actually this is not a bad idea at all when you consider that Syria is a quagmire of tribalism and unsolvable headaches and having troops there really doesn't solve anything except to be able to issue Purple Hearts. It's a true mess that does us little or no good.

Everyone thinks Putin will step in and I do beleive that's what Trump wants because it means Russian troops will bleed instead of ours.

I can't say I disagree. I'm tired of seeing our guys get chewed up.

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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

I have no problems with 99.9% of the gay individuals I have met

but I sure have a bone to pick with the gay rights people.

They have destroyed the Boy Scouts for one thing and I won't get into that here.

I WILL however, point out what they have done by targeting Chick Fil A.

Chick Fil A has done nothing whatsoever to harm the gay community. Nothing. One of the execs said he's opposed to gay marriage. So what.

I'm opposed to having government in the marriage business entirely. They should just offer civil unions to any two people that want one. Either that or allow people to pass on their estates without robbing the recipient. A person ought to be able to pass their estate on to anyone they want without government interference, period.

What the gay activists have done to the Chick Fil A people is a damned disgrace. It speaks very poorly for the gay community.

Chick Fil A bears no ill will toward anyone. They insist on having well mannered help. They serve a decent product for a reasonable price and are what a lot of other fast food places wish they were.

They have a history of putting people ahead of profit and several stores have thrown their doors open in times of emergency, fed the hungry and charged nothing.

If you take the time to read their mission statement you will find they bear no ill will toward anyone.

They are Christian based which is fine. They are not some bastard Christian based cult that wants to harm anybody. They believe in treating all people with respect and dignity.

Yet the gay community has chosen them to be bashed.

Actually it's backfired on them because in the States they are a thriving business and very well may be one of the fastest growing fast food chains. People are not fooled and probably wish the gay activist community can kiss their ass. They can kiss mine.

I really wish there were more businesses run the way Chick Fil A runs theirs.

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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

I is up.

and kind of beat up after yesterday's cleanup of the wayback.

Last night a neighbor had me over for dinner which I am grateful for. 

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Monday, October 21, 2019

The wayback if getting mowed today

which is a bitch.

It's the annual fall cleanup of the wayback and entails mowing and weed whacking every single square foot of it.

Normally it's not too bad but we had a rainy and sunny summer and I have never seen the weeds so dense. It's going to be a real slug fest.

There's a lot of work to be done there.

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Sunday, October 20, 2019

I see a team or five running for school committee which scares me.

The so-called dream team scares me to look at.

It looks to me like four soccer moms and some smiling guy. Just what we need. The parents of students running the show.

That ought to be considered a conflict of interest to begin with and it looks to me that no good is likely to come out of a team like that. The first thing they will do as ask for more money instead of looking to spend what they have a little more efficiently. 

Of course, it not like the parents of students don't have an agenda.....

Of course, the ad says "Accountability to taxpayers". Yeah, right.

(Those crayon eating second graders NEED a laptop powerful enough to run the space program!)  

If you think that the way you judge a school system is by how much money they spend per student then try looking at some of the cities and tell me what kind of education they deliver.

I have no problem whatsoever with spending money to our young people. Education is a good thing and more and these days kids need it to go anywhere. It pays good dividends to all of us in the long run.

What I DON'T want to see is spending perfectly good money and getting little or nothing in return.

Back in Bill Clinton's day he wanted every schoolkid to be able to log into the internet which made sense and makes sense today even more so. Computer literacy is important and a computer illiterate child is going to have a hard row to hoe. 

Still, I can just picture what the dream team is going to ask for and I'd bet a pretty good chunk of it is going to be wasteful. 

The other thing is they look like the type that will fall for every big and little expensive 'good idea' that comes down the pike. A second grade kid doesn't need a brand new laptop every fall. While technology does change fast, it sure as hell doesn't change that fast.

Of course, that would be a slam dunk easy sell to a naive soccer mom. All the salesman has to say is, "You don't want to cheat the children out of the latest technology, do you? Sign here."

Scribble, scribble. And presto! Now the kids that are still eating crayons now have laptops capable of running the entire space program.  Of course, we are paying for it.

One area I would like to see them spend a little money on is the truly top level gifted kids, the top .25% that are brilliant and are constantly being held back. Instead we spend a lot on the slower kids. I suppose that the slower kids need a little extra help but there's no reason we should hold back the truly brilliant. These are the kids that will go out and cure cancer or invent a vaccination of some sort. Let's spend some money on success!

This is the place for the earlier mentioned laptops that are capable of running the space program! Give them to these brilliant kids and turn them loose!

Betcha the dream team doesn't think that way. If they do I would be surprised.

Actually a lot of teachers really don't know what to do with these brilliant kids because they are in a situation where they have to really be on their game. They have to push themselves to keep up with their students in some cases. 

I always wonder about the mentality of people that run for school committee. 

My guess is that they are parents of students that want to make damned good and sure their kids get a bigger slice of the pie than the average kid. You can bet your ass that any teacher that has one of their kids in their class is going to tread lightly and probably let the little whelp get away with murder.

"His/her mother is on the SCHOOL COMMITTEE!" will be the watchword among the teachers. 

Of course, if the mother is one of those 'My kid is an angel' type idiots then the teacher is truly screwed. The little punk can probably stab a schoolmate and the teachers will cover it up because his mother is on the school committee and they are now in fear of their jobs if they report the little saint.

Frankly I see little good of a school committee where the members of it are parents of students in that school. Little good is likely to come of it. It is simply a de facto conflict on interest.

The true test of a public school system isn't how much money is spent per student. It's how well prepared they are to either go on to further education (college or vocational) or enter the work force successfully. 

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Saturday, October 19, 2019

I see where the House castigated Trump for pulling out of Syria.

Trump also sent this letter to the Turks:

If it's stupid and it works it's not stupid.

Someone commented that this letter sounds juvenile. I admit it certainly doesn't sound very polished to me. It's very plain and free of political gibberish and actually shows commitment to an issue.

This is unlike the correspondence I have gotten over the years from various elected officials that word things so as to avoid commitment and cover their asses.

Apparently the Turkish president threw it in the trash but he DID declare a cease fire to permit the Kurds to relocate. Did you expect the president of Turkey to do anything else? He HAD to shit can the letter to save face. Do you think Trump expected him to do otherwise? Trump isn't stupid. He knew the Turkish big boss was going to do just that to save face. 

You might consider that before he shit canned the letter he read it and thought it over. The President of Turkey isn't stupid.

Notice that the letter also said Trump was going to give him a call. Wonder what the call sounded like? Maybe Trump opened it with "You threw my letter away. I expected you to. Let's talk."

One of the things I would like to know is how many Congresscritters that condemned Trump have children stationed overseas. My guess is ZERO.

It's pretty easy to put other people's kids into harm's way.

Looks to me like Trump pulled some GIs OUT of harm's way.

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Friday, October 18, 2019

I just told someone to come and take it.

I heard someone babbling about Beto's point of view, having policemen come door to door and confiscating firearms.

I'll bet you nobody sees Beto suiting up to go door to door. He'll likely send policemen of one sort or another to do the dirty work.

If he believes in it so much then why doesn't he, personally, lead the charge?

Same holds true for a lot of other people  of all sorts.

They seem pretty willing to send other people into harm's way but I seldom see them stepping up to the plate and leading from the front.

You hear this all the time.

People are sure willing to send US troops to some God forsaken hell hole to risk dismemberment and death but they are not willing to join them.

A while ago I heard someone babbling about sending troops into the middle east and suggested that if he was too old that he might consider sending his son over. I explained that the kid could enlist now and be assured of getting sent overseas in just six months.

For some reason or another he didn't think that was a very good idea.  

I've said it before, I'll say it again. When the kid down he street gets killed in action it's a shame and you bring the family a casserole while you are on your way to the mall.

When it's YOUR kid it's an irrecoverable family tragedy.

It's always a whole lot easier to send someone else out to do the dirty work.

I may not like some of these people that want to take my rights but I admit I would at least have a little respect for them if they would suit up and actually lead from the front instead of passing the buck and the dirty work to a working guy. 

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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Life goes full circle again.

When I was a kid I always wore clean underwear in case I had an accident and had to go to the hospital.

As I grew older I learned to be more careful and the probability of having an accident went down so I got a little sloppy about it. Maybe I'd skip a day here and there.

Now that I am an old man it's time to come full circle. Back to clean underwear.

What if I have a heart attack and have to go to the hospital?

Off to Wally World to buy a few pairs of new skids.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Armchair warriors


These are the people that are always advocating sending troops into harm's way with little regard for what they are doing. They seem to forget a few things.

Every single service person we have had, have now or ever will have is someone's wife, husband, son or daughter.

If YOU are not willing to pick up a weapon or send send YOUR husband/wife/son or daughter into harm's way then please have the courtesy to simply shut up.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Why me?

I was in line behind a decent teenage boy who was behind a father, wife and daughter.

The (probably overprotective) father saw the teenage boy and said, "Checking out my daughter's ass, aren't you?"

The kid turned beet red.

The kid had been there behaving like a gentleman. He wasn't ogling anyone or anything. The  entire thing was uncalled for and the young man's face burned with humiliation so badly I could feel the heat from four feet behind him. It was a disgraceful thing for the man to say to what was probably a pretty decent and shy kid.

I decided that I was going to go to bat for the kid.

"I don't see why he would be checking out your daughters ass. Your wife's maybe which is actually a lot nicer than your daughter's, but definitely not your daughter's ass. In fact your daughter should be ashamed of herself to let herself go and get all dumpy  like that at such an early age."

The man's jaw dropped and before he could recover, I added "My 67 year old wife has a much tighter ass than either of these two women."

"Let it go, Jim!" snapped the wife. "Let it go! If you start a fight here I won't bail you out!" She turned to me. "My husband's an idiot."

I turned to the kid, "Let's get out of here because I don't want to have to cut someone," I said.

"Please do leave," said the woman. "We can't afford the doctor's co-payments."

Now the guy that started it was humiliated by his own family. He had the look of a guy that knew there was going to be hell to pay when they got outside. The wife was going to be livid with him for starting trouble and the daughter was going to be mad that her father didn't defend her even though she did have a fat ass. 

I like a happy ending.

The Kid didn't have much to say anything. I know a look of thanks and relief when I see it. Still, he thanked me which was what I expected from him. He seemed to be a pretty decent teenager. Someone should be pretty proud of him.

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Monday, October 14, 2019

While we are somewhat on the subect of young people

there are a couple of youngsters nearby that did OK on the father lottery but really hit big on the mother lottery.

Those kids are being raised Old School RIGHT and it is a joy to watch good parenting in action. It's especially joyful to watch the mother. There's no 'wait until your father gets home' there. She simply steps up to the plate and deals with the situation as it comes up. 

Dads like him are a rarity but mothers like her are priceless!

I have watched her teach one of her sons to ride a skateboard and light firecrackers off safely. She's a rare woman and it is a joy to watch her raise her boys.

Needless to say I am one of her admirers. You have to admire a woman like that.

I would imagine that if Dear Old Dad is tied up on the opening day of deer season that Mom will dig out the family Winchester and take the boys out with her.

Watching an Old School couple raise boys is a rare treat to watch.

It's a damned shame there are not more people like them out there.

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Sunday, October 13, 2019

The TV is on for background and

it still is a wasteland.

I cut the cable because there were too many times the best thing on were Gunsmoke reruns.

On broadcast TV the best thing on are 1956 reruns of the Lone Ranger.

With sixty years to change a gigantic wasteland into something uplifting and worthwhile we are STILL at Square One.

Oh, well. Hi-Ho-Silver, Away!

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Friday, October 11, 2019

Death from within.

Anyone ever notice how the hero of a lot of Hollywood productions that just got out of the service was a Ranger or Special Forces type?

That is unless they were getting out ot the Navy. In which case they were a SEAL.

They all are. Practically every single Hollywood type was a badass.

Whatever happened to guys like cooks or payroll clerks or supply guys?

The paratrooper's often describe themselves as death from above. That's pretty cool but nowhere near as cool as the Army cook's description of 'Death from within'.

Hollywood ought to have a badass as a recently seperated from the service cook.

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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Every now and then some blithering idiot jerks one into the X-ring.

Someone pointed out to me that he was watching a couple of rallies at Stone Mountain and they interviewed both the BLM people and the KKK.

He reported to me that the BLM people were asking for reparations for slavery and that the KKK responded that had their ancestors not been brought to the United States as slaves then they would be living in mud huts in a third world nation.

This was a case of a broken clock being right twice a day and looking at it at the right moment because he reported that the BLM people didn't have an answer for that one.

As I have posted several times before, I am no fan of either the BLM or the KKK but when someone is right, they are right.

Slavery was an evil institution and was patently wrong but the truth is that the children and grandchildren were able to find a lifestyle far above what they would have had if they had been born in Africa. We owe nobody reparations. The principals are now long dead and gone.

If course, nobody remembers how many Union soldiers died in the process of giving the slaves their freedom, either.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

This makes it ten years and I know I said I was bagging it

but I don't think I will as such.

I probably won't post daily but I will continue periodically.

This project has done me a lot of good for a number of reasons. It's given me a daily goal simply to get a post for the day up. Sometimes it has been difficult getting on line with the way I travel. Sometimes it has been a pain in the ass sitting down and thinking of something to write about.

Anyway, as of now it's been ten years and I have managed to do a lot better than I thought with this project.

The hardest part I had was when I was working at sea during the BP oil spill in the Gulf. Internet access was difficult at best. I would have to write a daily post and post them playing catch up when we got into internet range.

All in all I have done pretty well so far and I will probably continue but in a more limited way.

If anyone wants me to simply continue as I have done for the past decade let me know and I'll consider it.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Someone once mentioned Deadwood, South Dakota.

which I do not believe was really anything special as far as wild western towns go. I'm sure there were a lot of come and go wild towns in the years following the Civil War and my guess is that Deadwood is famous simply because a lot of bigger than life characters passed through during the early years.

Wyatt Earp, Wild Bill Hickock, Calamity Jane, and a number of others passed through Deadwood in its heyday.

Someone asked me what the closest I have ever lived to a place like Deadwood and I have to say it was probably the closest was the Yukon and Alaska in the 70s and 80s.

A lot of Alaskan towns had limited law enforcement and what little of it there was spent their time trying to keep us from hacking each other up. Gambling was overlooked, as to a degree so were prostitution and narcotics. 

While fights were not a daily occurrence, there were certainly no shortage of them and unless it was an outright assault a mutual combatant situation it was generally overlooked.

I never did see a real live TV style shootout but I can recall at least four unsolved murders, not including the murder of a policeman.

Three of the four murders were drug related and the fourth may have very well been, too. Of the four, two of them were pretty much a case of whacking a serious violent troublemaker. I suppose the murders could have gotten off under the Texas law of "The man just needed killing". One of the killings I assume was drug related because it was the murder of a decent clean living cab driver. I assume he was robbed by a junkie for the money he carried in his pocket.

Of the other three murders, one was a meeting of greed and stupidity. He was murdered and robbed for what I heard was $10,000 that he took to Anchorage to buy cocaine to resell in town. He boasted to a number of us that it was his plan to do this. I didn't know him very well but he told me about it and acted like he was the smartest man in the world when he did tell me. I thought he was the dumbest for telling me what he was going to do.

The other two killings were cases of the man needed killing as they were of violent meth monster types that were either beating people up, stealing everything that wasn't nailed down or both. One of these people had a reputation for carrying a nail puller so he could steal things that were nailed down.

In any normal place these murders would not have occurred because these two would have been in jail well before things resorted to murder. What happened here was that the locals simply took care of the problems the police couldn't or wouldn't take care of.

One of these took place on Kodiak Island and the other in the far flung remote outpost of Dutch Harbor. The Dutch Harbor case was a shooting and I heard he was shot in the head two or three times.

A couple of months later a couple of us were sitting around and a cop wandered by. We asked him if there were any leads. He dryly commented that it was likely to be ruled a suicide. The murder victim had spent some time in Kodiak and the police there didn't think very highly of him, either.

I later heard from a number of other people that it had been ruled a suicide. Then again maybe they heard it from one of the guys the cop told was a suicide. You never know.

Actually what happened is that things had evolved to a certain level where life was pretty much lived by a social code of some sort that was based on the general rules of basic civility. It was really rather a nice place to live for a younger man. One basically didn't hurt anyone and everyone left you alone. I have to say it fit me quite well.

During the last year or so I lived there they finally decided that they were going to have to enforce DUI laws which really didn't hurt me much. I seldom drove after any heavy amount of drinking and always had a place to stay near to downtown and the bars if I I got really tanked up.

Such was Kodiak town in the late 70s and early 80s.

Kodiak was at least a town. Dutch Harbor was a remote outpost out in the Aleutians. There were two bars there, the Elbow Room and the Unisea, also known as the Lunacy. The Elbow Room was known the world over for being somewhat of a legalized open insane asylum. There was a lot of violence there. Both bars were real zoos. I just read that the Elbow Room closed a few years back.

Kodiak actually had a police department, Dutch simply had a Village Public Safety Officer and a lone trooper to police the entire of Unalaska Island. Dutch was a big money commercial fishing port and where you have fishermen with huge wads of cash and available alcohol you generally have chaos and tumult.

I imagine Dutch was a little closer to Deadwood than Kodiak was but not by a whole lot. 

I'm really glad I managed to live in a place like that for part of my life. I got to see an awful lot of personal liberty and live as I saw fit.

On the other hand I went through a lot of culture shock when I moved to Pittsburgh. I had to steer well clear of the bars in Pittsburgh because when I arrived in Pitt I found out MOST riki-tik that what an Alaskan bartender would not even raise an eyebrow to would turn a panic-stricken Pittsburgh bartender straight to the phone to call the police. 

I arrived in Pittsburgh 30 years ago and I have still not 100% adapted although now I can go out and behave civilly in an establishment that serves alcohol. It took years to get used to Pittsburgh culture after a decade in the Alaska of the 70s and 80s.

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Monday, October 7, 2019

Well, Keith Richards outlived another one.

I just read where Ginger Baker died.

One hell of a drummer.

If any of you younger people want to listen to a good Old School album go dig out 'Disraeli Gears' on Youtube or somewhere and check it out. It was fist released in November of 1967.

Good album.

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Sunday, October 6, 2019

I am thinking of

running away to join the circus but I am beginning to find there isn't a circus to run away to anymore.

I guess the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey circus shut down a couple of years ago so that's out of the question.

The older one gets the fewer options they seem to have.

When I turned 35 I could no longer join the army, at 40 the State Police is out of the question as is the French Foreign Legion. The Marine Corps door closes at 28 and for most police departments the age seems to vary.

There seems no age limit to return to school and get a degree but putting it to work when one graduates seems to be pretty sketchy. Try and hire on as a fresh out of school 67 year old and see what happens. 

I'm just glad I did a lot of things back when I was younger.

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Saturday, October 5, 2019

One thing I do not care for with the arrival of old age is

slowly having to give things up.

I am still somewhat of a swashbuckler but not as much as I was just even a couple of years ago.

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Friday, October 4, 2019

You know who's fault it is?

First of all there is no excuse whatsoever for forcible rape. None whatsoever.

A lot of women gripe that the police departments treat rape victims with skepticism and think it's not fair that the police do not accept their stories at face value.

There's a pretty good reason for that. It's been said that 80% of all real rapes go unreported and that 80% of reported rapes are false accusations. The figures here are probably somewhat bogus but you get the idea. Wikipedia has the figure at two to ten percent, serving police officers have said it's a lot higher than that.

I don't blame the police for being skeptical. It's their job to question everything that comes down the pike.

I blame society in general and women in specific for not allowing people to get away with filing false charges.

I have always said that the price for filing false charges against someone should be the penalty the falsely accused would have paid had they been convicted. It would eliminate false accusations and as a result honest victims of the crime would be more likely to come forth and report it if they knew they would not be treated with typical police skepticism.

I also believe that women should take the lead in chastising those that file false reports because that's what it is going to take to get the police to lose their skepticism.

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Thursday, October 3, 2019

I will be going into the twilight zone shortly.

Internet reception will be spotty at best so bear with me.


Right now I am in the mood for a good old fashioned hot dog. A nice Hebrew National with a Wonder Bread white bun, slathered in mustard and relish.

I do not know why I want one because I don't often eat them except on American Holidays like Independence, Memorial and Labor Day but I want one now.


I see where about 150 congress critters are lining up to impeach Trump. I doubt it will pass the Senate with 67 votes but I'd bet that if it was a secret ballot he'd be long gone.

The swamp hates him. They want him gone because he has outed too many of them.

If either of my Congressmen vote for impeachment I will go from door to door and talk people into not reelecting them. It would be a good retirement project.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Life has been hectic to say the least

and for the next week to ten days posts will be spotty.

Right now I have a few minutes and just read a little internet thread of a woman living in a ghost town that packs a pistol which I suppose makes sense when you think about it. There's no law enforcement in a ghost town and you're pretty much on your own there.

One can say what they will about it but plugging in my criminal brain module I think that it would be a lot easier to rob someone living out in the sticks than it would be robbing a convenience store in the Big City. It would probably be a lot easier to not get caught, too.

I also read where Beto O'Rourke gave a speech at Kent State telling the students there that only the government should have guns. I do have to laugh bitterly about that one. The Kent State shootings were a classic example of a government shooting up their own populace. It should serve as an excellent example of government gone bad.

Admittedly I see both sides of the shooting and sympathize with the poorly trained National Guardsmen but it is still a case where the government has gotten out of hand.

As a former GI I do remember taking a little riot duty training which was actually unnecessary as Posse Comitatus prohibited us from being used for riot control unless specifically ordered to by the president. The training was actually worthless. Truth is I likely would not have fired on my fellow citizens unless it was a clear cut case of self-defense. 

Still, hearing O'Rourke giving that speech at Kent State is like someone giving a speech on chastity at the Mustang Ranch.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

I see where the House is considering impeachment of President Trump

and if they DO impeach him and it gets thrown into the Senate then it is unlikely that they will get 67 votes. The House will look like a bunch of fools and most likely will be taken over by the Republicans in 2020.

Then again, it the Senate holds an unlawful secret ballot then Trump becomes history. There are a lot of Republicans there that are a part of the swamp and want him gone.

I bet Pat Toomey, R-PA would vote against removing Trump from office if it is a public vote but would stick it to him if the vote was secret. I believe he's a two-faced bastard and no friend of the Republic.

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I was watching one a home video show and

one of the videos was a collection of hand grenade screw ups but wan't limited to GI grenades. I was kind of scary.

As a former GI I attest that hand grenades are one of the trickiest, most accident prone tools infantrymen have in their toolboxes. A guy can screw up with them in a heartbeat.

Actually to a point that's true with all explosive devices. 

Still, it was pretty funny to watch because nobody got hurt.

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