Monday, November 25, 2024

I just read where Trump plans on booting all TGs out of the military

which may/may not be the best course to take.

When he was president he refused TGs entry but said those in could stay and I believe this is probably the best course of action for him to take, at least in the enlisted ranks.

Officers serve at the pleasure of the President so maybe he can remove them easily enough. Any flag officers should probably be unceremoniously dumped. Most flag officers are political hires to begin with.

What's sad is that any rank above O-5 becomes political and military service and politics mix like oil and water. Promotions should be based on strict merit.

I figure that enlisted people should stay for a couple of reasons. If they have a good service record they should be allowed to stay, especially if they are in logistic or administrative positions.

I say this not as a friend NOR an enemy of the TG community but the fact is the minute they get let go there's going to be a boatload of lawsuits and screeching. The lawsuits will take decades to sort out.

On the other hand I suppose he can give them all medical discharges and a disability to squelch them. 

TGs don't really belong in the military to begin with because virtually all of them carry some serious emotional baggage which if hard if not impossible to ditch. 

I have a TG nephew I love dearly. I'm glad that he transgendered because the truth is he just plain sucked at being a woman. Still, with what he went through emotionally I have questions regarding his stability. You can't go through the mental and emotional roller coaster ride that goes with changing your sex without coming out unscathed. 

It is what it is.

Comment about my nephew. Post change you had morphed from being a whiny pain in the a$$ to a pretty good guy to have a beer with. I respect you for improving your life and dealing with the cards you were dealt with and keeping quiet about it.
Back in the 70s I was aware of at least two or three gays in the service with me. I treated them with courtesy and respect and didn't rat them out because they did their jobs well. I just figured it was nobody's business.
In passing, during the American Civil War it is estimated that between 400 and 750 women served as men in the ranks.

One woman died in the Old Soldier's Home and the staff kept it a guarded secret until after she had passed. She must have been one hell of a soldier.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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