Tuesday, November 26, 2024

You're giving your culture away

The Black community gave away the Queen of Breakfast when they said nothing of the demise of Aunt Jemima, a National Icon of sorts. Like it or not, cooking is a substantial part of Black culture and Aunt Jemima went away and I never heard of a Black protesting about it. They simply gave it away.

Native American team names disappeared without a word, also. A few sports teams were renamed from Native American names and I know of no Native Americans speaking out. Having a team named after a group signifies that they are looked at as a symbol of strength and power, Trojans, Vikings, Lions, Cowboys, are examples to name a few.

Yet no Native Americans appeared to be upset when Cleveland renamed their team. 

They also lost Land O Lakes butter without a fight.

One group has spoken out and gotten something fixed, Hispanics.

It came as quite a surprise to many when Speedy Gonzales, the Mexican cartoon mouse, was temporarily silenced several years ago.

When word hit the Hispanic community that Speedy was being cancelled they spoke right up. Hispanic groups declared Speedy to be a Hispanic icon. The Hispanics were not going to give up a cultural icon without a fight. The cartoon people backed down and put Speedy back on the air.

Kudos to the Hispanic community for not giving away a part of their culture and a part of Americana. They stood up and help keep the country from growing a little less dreary. 

Personally I think this whole thing is a plan to keep us divided because if we unified then We, the People would really become a force to reckon with and the boys in the back room don't want that to happen.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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