Saturday, December 9, 2017

I see where Judge Moore's accuser has admitted the accusations were false

This stuff is patently wrong and is getting real old old real fast.

It's long past time that something be done about it. 

It is also not only a dirty trick used in the political arena, it's also pretty common in the rest of the world. I've heard that 80% of real rapes go unreported and 80% of the reported rapes are false accusations. I won't argue the percentages but the point is made.

'Swatting' is also a practice used by people to get lawfully armed citizens in trouble by people that are gun control advocates. The falsely accuse someone carrying lawfully with threatening them with their gun even though it has never left the holster.

One of the Ten Commandments reads "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." and while I am not a Bible thumper the point is made that it is a serious wrong.  

The fact is that this kind of crap is getting out of hand fast and it is going to get worse until we quash it.

Cops generally don't charge people for issuing a false report over small stuff but they ought to. What's more, such a charge is fairly minor, often not even a misdemeanor. 

It ought to be different. The charge of issuing a false report ought to be even with the level of the false accusation. If the false charge is a felony then the person issuing the false report should be charged with a felony level false report.

Issuing a false report with the intention of influencing an election ought to be a serious felony and accompanied with jail or prison time.

Of course as people use this vile trick to influence an election it seems to be losing its effectiveness because a lot of people have decided that Moore is not guilty of breaking any laws.

As an aside I do believe that Moore has dated younger women which means little or nothing so long as they were of legal age.

The practice was common in the south and is commonplace in other places with a pretty good reason. The man waits to marry until his career is solid. He then goes after a younger woman because she will have a longer period of fertility and will probably be able to have more children. It makes sense if a man wants a larger family.

Back on track.

I see where both Donald Trump and Judge Moore have filed some very strong lawsuits against people that have done these things to them. It's a start.

If you successfully sue the perpetrators of this evil to the point where they are living under a bridge you can bet they are not going to try that stunt again. It also serves as a warning to others.

Swatting and bringing up false charges and allegations on someone is out and out wrong. It's time to eliminate the practice through making the perps pay a very serious price. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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