Thursday, December 28, 2017

We are getting closer and closer to a new year.

It is one holiday I tend not to go out on because it is actually a nuisance.

I suppose it has cleaned itself up a bit over the years but for decades we called it 'Amateur Night'. This is because people that thought they were serious drinkers because they would have 2 beers on the Fourth of July, a glass of wine at Thanksgiving and an egg nog on Christmas would go out on New Year's eve and tangle with a bottle of 80 proof whiskey and wonder why they woke up in the hospital after wrapping their car around a tree.

It seems to have cleaned itself up both because of the attitude of the public and the sharp increase of DUI checkpoints.

I guess in my mind the holiday has morphed from an amateur stupidity night to pretty much a blah holiday.

I suppose it's a good excuse to dump a little bourbon into egg nog but I don't even bother with that. I generally meet the new year with a snore and a fresh wake-up.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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