Saturday, February 10, 2018

I was reading a thread of sayings and a lot of people

quoted a lot of great men. A few guys quoted regular guys.

My favorite was this:

"I carry a guardrail nut on a loop of 550 cord in my pocket. It may not be all whiz-bang tacticool, but one smack in the grape, and Its coloring books for Christmas!"

I do understand coloring books for Christmas because I have given them to a guy that really did something stupid to me a few years back.

I guess it stirred up a hornet's nest and he proved why. He ran around trying to find out who sent them and everyone that he asked played hell keeping a straight face.

"Who sent me coloring books and a Christmas card?" he'd ask everyone he met. Hilarity would ensue. When he asked me I said that it seemed like an ignorant thing to do and added, "You know, ignorance is nothing to laugh about." The people around me died inside holding back gales of laughter.

While you can't fix stupid, sometimes you can let it entertain you.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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