Thursday, May 9, 2019

There are six major religions in this world.


Christians seem to get along with Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and Jews. They don't coexist well with Muslims.

Hindus seem to get along with Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jews. They also do not coexist well with Muslims.

Buddhists seem to get along with Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and Jews.

Sikhs seem to get along with Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and Jews.

Jews seem to get along with Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Jews.

In fact, Muslims do not appear to get along with anyone, even themselves.

I have been very, very loath to enter the religious war in this blog but I can't help but wonder why Muslims seem unable to get along with the rest of us.

I know that there are any number of Imans that preach coexistence but it seems that not enough Muslims listen to them. It also seems that Sunni Muslims and Shi'ite Muslims seem not to get along very well, either. It is also worth noting that I read that since 2000 that over 90% of the world's terrorism can be traced back to Muslims.

Christianity is split up into several different denominations and they seem to get along well together. (I attribute 'The Troubles' in Northern Ireland to be more political than actually religious.)

There are three divisions of Judaism, Orthodox, Conservative and Reform and Jews don't bicker among the divisions.

I do not know why this is but it's the way it looks.

Personally I have had no religious based conflicts over the years simply because I tend to avoid religious issues but I have noticed a lot of Muslims trying to force their beliefs on others.

Recently I read where a number of Subway sandwich shops have stopped serving ham because of pressure from Muslims.

Jews don't eat pork, either yet I have never heard of them trying to stop anyone else from eating it.

It's a damned shame that many Muslims are troublemakers but I guess it is what it is and we are probably not going to see a solution without some sort of a war taking place.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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