Friday, September 27, 2024

I'm 72 now and for the first time in my life I sat down and figured out my bills the other day.

I spent the first 35 years of my life living out of my hip pocket. When I found I was carrying too much cash I'd stash most of  it in a trusted friend's safe and kind of forget about it. When I got a bill of some sort, I'd pay it. If I needed something I'd buy it.

I generally kept a mental note of approximately how much I had in the safe, give or take maybe a grand.

When I decided to buy a sailboat I figured I needed a couple grand more and went to work and earned it. When I did buy it and sail it to Kodiak it blew a lot of people's minds because I was living pretty much like a homeless bum.

I sold my camper trailer and lived on the boat.

One time before I bought my sailboat I overheard someone say to someone else that I was a homeless bum and listened to the reply.

"He IS a homeless bum but he lives better than most of us. His camper/trailer is just a place for him to sleep and if you ever get into it you will find 12 year old scotch, good cognac, a propane fridge full of imported beer. He lives on a cash/barter/horse trading economy. I saw him pay a medical bill by hanging a door and I've also seen him fix something at the liquor store and get paid with a couple bottles of damned good Pinch scotch. He also lives on halibut, king crab, venison which is a king's menu that costs him little or nothing. Know who he had for a visitor last summer? Jack Lemmon."

Anyway, I got curious and had the wife give me an itemized list of all household expenses and like I figured, I'm still managing to save money.

I'm glad I did that because it confirmed what I already knew.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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