Sunday, December 23, 2012

Yesterday's post is a hard act to follow

because I don't seem to have the time to write a whole lot today.

Still, the visit to the gun stores in the area has left me with a knot in my stomach that goes well beyond gun control. It is only one of many issues we are dealing with.

The two telephone guys I talked to were just a couple of working stiffs but they were not entirely stupid and it looks to me like both of them were interested in other things than bread and circuses which I suppose makes them rare birds. What made them rarer is that neither one of them mentioned the Steelers which seems to make tham as rare as a cherry in a whorehouse.

It surprised me that a couple of working guys mentioned that the average democracy lasts somewhere between two and three hundred years and dies because everyone votes themselves a piece of the treasury.

Generally when a democracy falls it is replaced by a dictatorship of some form.

Although I have known that for quite some time I was surprised to hear it from a couple of working stiffs. Both of them agreed that we are looking at the twilight of the great American experiment with government. We're in the zone and right now there are an awful lot of people out there that have sold their freedom for free government shit and therefore have to vote a certain way lest they lose their government handout. They are chained in slavery by the golden handcuffs of the governmental handout.

I don't see a fast fix coming up anywhere, of for that matter a fix at all.

The phone guys both agreed that they feared for their children who are very unlikely to know the same freedoms we have enjoyed.

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