Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Who always gets screwed?

The honest guy. It always happens. He loses every single time someone dishonest comes along and does something wrong and it's generally the dishonest ones that get away with things.

Back in the service the observation was made that it was the duds that got over. Every time something came up that was going to be seen up the food chain the usual group of competent people was given the job to take care of the thing in question. Meanwhile the lazy, stupid or dishonest guys got to sit around while the good workers busted their asses.

It starts at a very early age. In school kids start playing with a toy of some sorts and someone abuses it than the toy gets banned from the school yard. The good always wind up suffering with the bad as the bad wander off looking to create more trouble somewhere else.

One of the reasons for this is generally laziness on the part of the authorities. In the schoolyard situation it is a lot easier to simply ban the toy in question rather than do what they should do which is thump the abusers unmercifully and teach them a thing or two.

It would serve as a great lesson for later on in life. Instead of ruining things for everyone else making the culprits pay would set quite an example to kids not to abuse things.

In the service leadership simply should have taken the duds out and busted their asses and made them do a good job of whatever they were assigned to do. If they didn't respond they should have simply given an unsuitable discharge and let go. Still, command found it easier to let them be and give the competent GIs the responsibility of getting the job done.

It's the same everywhere. There are countless stop signs out there that we mindlessly stop for that wouldn't be there if a handful of irresponsible idiots didn't have enough common sense to slow down and check to see if anybody is coming.

I have see stop signs out in the middle of nowhere where you can see both ends of the intersecting roads for over a mile and still there are stop signs posted. All because some idiot doesn't have enough sense to look both ways when he sees the intersection coming up.

(Of course, this gives rise to the overzealous stop sign nazis that get all worked up when someone does a 'California stop' somewhere where he can see that it is safe to do so but I'll save that rant for later.)

The bottom line is that the duds get over. We feed people that are too lazy to feed themselves which would maybe be acceptable if we simply gave them surplus MREs or government cheese or the basics but we do not. Instead we give him an EBT card which generally give him a bigger food budget than the people that support him have out of their own hard earned paychecks. And again, the honest guy gets screwed.

The guy that gets hit by an uninsured drunk driver and winds up getting his insurance rates jacked up because of it. That's fair?

When a small, generally less than 1% of people abuse something then generally whatever it is that gets abused goes away and the honest guy gets screwed again.

I'm sick and tired of being an honest guy and I'm sick and tired of getting screwed because of people that won't even be halfway responsible.

I guess the only thing that keeps me sane is that my father taught me one thing early in life. It ain't always going to be fair. Yet one more reason I'm grateful to have had my father to teach me.

my other blog is: http://officerpiccolo.blogspot.com/ http://piccolosbutler.blogspot.com/

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