Tuesday, November 4, 2014

So it is Tuesday. I got something to do today.

besides vote.

It's 0630 and still dark. The deer just turned on the motion detector and they were not startled. They are likely used to it.

Yesterday I spotted a doe that had been hit by a car about a mile from here and can't help wonder if it is one of the animals that cut through my yard. I hope not. I like watching them.

I spent yesterday doing a deep clean on the living room and it is astonishing how much dirt, dust and crud accumulates. The nastiest part was taking apart the couch. The tucks and folds held a lot of cat hair which is to be expected if you have a cat.

Cat hair is a bitch to clean up.

I just bought an anti-mole propeller and set it up in the yard. It's a sort of windmill that is supposed to create a vibration in the ground that moles hate. For ten bucks we'll try it out and see what happens.

My guess is that it will keep moles away from it for a radius of about ten or twelve feet and that's about it. Still, it's worth a try. I'll report back next spring.

We're well into November and have not had a hard frost yet which makes me wonder what the winter will be like. I really have no clue and have given up trying to predict the winter weather.

Incidentally the closest predictor out there seems to be The Old Farmer's Almanac for some reason. For that reason I think if there is reincarnation I'll come back as a weather man. I can be wrong over 50% of the time and still keep my job.

Speaking of weather men, I recall an old Indian back in Alaska that used to come into the bar in the mornings and drink coffee. Most of the fishermen would ask him about the weather for the next few days and he seemed to be pretty good at predicting it.

One night he came downtown and got thwacked and I decided to haul him home after he got his snoot full. I had to help him in and as soon as he got in he reached around and clicked a Radio Shack weather cube that was on a table. It was tuned to the NOAA VHF weather frequency.

Then he looked at me conspiratorially and said, "I have to check the weather for when I go downtown tomorrow morning. Everyone asks me and I have to know what it is going to do."

I never did rat the old guy out for that one.

Incidentally he's the guy that taught me how to cure my foot rot. I won't post how here. Suffice to say traditional western medicos will tell you it's an old wive's tale.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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