Wednesday, October 31, 2018

I see where Trump is going to try and curb birthright citizenship

which is going to be an interesting point of Constitutional law. He very well may lose this issue.

Personally I wish citizenship was something earned instead of a birthright. We'd be a lot better off. I'm kind of a  Heinlein sort of guy myself but let's not go here.

The term anchor baby means a baby born in the United States. It means that the entire family gets to stay here which really isn't right.

We could declare the baby to be a US citizen and either have the parents leave the child or let the child return when he/she is of age. If Trump loses on Constitutional grounds he could go this route and in compliance with the Constitution. 

As for the currently headed this way caravans the way I see it is that the president should do whatever it takes to keep those people out. 

I have said it before and I guess I will have to say it again, if we stop these people by using deadly force and turn them back they probably won't return. They will realize we mean business.

One has to realize that people will try and get away with what they can. By playing Mister Nice Guy over time more people get hurt than if you are Mister Bastard right off the top.

The worst case is often when a person tries to not be a bastard at first but slowly gets forced into it. He always comes across as the asshole.

On the other hand, the guy that is a bastard from the git-go generally causes fewer casualties and bent noses over time. People know what to expect.

As far as the border goes, we're going to look bad doing it, but the way to go is simply seal it up and use deadly force on those crossing illegally.

A handful of people will get hurt but you can bet your boots that it will being things to a halt.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I am scouting around for an old Webley MK VI to tinker with.

It is an Old School heavy WW1 type British made revolver that shoots a low pressure slow moving 265 grain bullet that isn't going to win any medals at Camp Perry but will certainly be adequate for defending myself against plastic gallon jugs.

The bullet is in the 6-700 FPS range and makes it a manstopper along the lines of the .45ACP which is suitable for home defense even though it isn't at the top of the list.

On the other hand I would imagine any intruder confronted my an old man in a pair of Jockey shorts with a Webley in one hand and a Gurkha Service No 1 Kukri in the other would probably not stick around for very long. Think of a freight train changing its mind and taking a dirt road.

Still, it ought to be a hoot making plastic gallon jugs burst and throw water all over the place.


I have been listening to a few do-gooders throwing around terms they do not understand. Killing power =/= stopping power. The two are a pair of distinctly different things.

An example is a .357 magnum which will hit a human and punch a hole through him without slowing up. It can and will easily kill because a person will simply bleed out. It may take a while. In the meantime the person is still dangerous.

On the other hand stopping power is the ability to make a person change his behavior instantly by incapacitating him. A person so afflicted simply is instantly unable to continue the fight.

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Monday, October 29, 2018

I bet Cape Cod is a lot more of a zoo than it was back in the day.

I remember it in the late 60s and early 70s and it was a zoo between Memorial and Labor Day but returned to being a laid back sane place when summer was over.

It was far enough away from Boston that few people lived there and commuted. 

Of course with a lot of work at home and only see the office every so often a lot of people have moved there year round.

The Cape is going through a cycle. It is now the cool place to live and it is growing by leaps and bounds. A lot of money is headed that way and will continue until it gets too overloaded and the people there start looking for the next cool place to live.

Eventually when the big money leaves things will start to take a turn down and slowly at first but gaining speed the Cape will turn into a sewer.

At least that's the way I see things.

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Sunday, October 28, 2018

The welder just set his beard on fire


I wish he would keep it trimmed. If it sticks out from below a welding hood it's too long.

God, it stinks when he does that!

I can see the ZZ Top look but not when you are a welder.

I told him that if it happens again I am going to beat it out with a track shoe.

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Saturday, October 27, 2018

Every now and then you you run into a situation where

you are better off dealing with the wife rather than the husband.

Generally guys deal better with guys but every so often there is a woman that pops up that knows how guys think and acts accordingly.

They are a joy to run into.

I used to have a neighbor where it was either/or. Both were a joy to have as neighbors and I could approach either of them.

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Friday, October 26, 2018

There is one thing that galls the hell out of people

and that is when a person with less formal education then they have is making more money than they are.

I had to hear it the other day when someone mentioned that I was a merchant mariner. They went on  and on about how it was unfair that someone without a degree can make more money than they do after they have gone on to get a Master's degree.

Of course I pointed out that they could have saved themselves a lot of money for an education and come out on top if they were willing to have made a career at sea.

Of course I was given the usual "I want to stay home with my family every night." That was replied to with the standard "Stop whining. You made your choice."

There are still a number of places where not much formal schooling is required to make a halfway decent living. I suppose the number of places is shrinking but there are still a goodly number of them.

Joe Master's degree that was whining hasn't figured out two things. First that he made a poor career choice if he needed a Master's to make a living and second guys like me are paid in a bit part for the inconvenience. We don't get to go home at night.

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Thursday, October 25, 2018

I see where the Venezuelan government is bragging

that they are ready for a war with the United States.

Who do they think they are kidding? 

Their army has had mutinies and low level attempted coups. The soldiers are complaining that their pay is not enough to feed their families and they really don't have much of a desire to support the government that is in power.

Yet the big shots want to say they are ready to go toe to toe with the United States. Who do they think they are kidding?

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

How come the Russians never have problems like we do?

That's a no brainer. Because they don't put up with it.

If the Russians were faced with something like the caravan headed to the border they'd most likely roll the tanks and set up a line about a mile into Mexico and anyone that tried to cross it would be shot. It's as simple as that.

Ever notice that the Russians never seem to have to shoot a whole lot of people? That's because people know that if they fool around they will in fact be shot. 

I have said for years that the kindest and most compassionate thing a person can do is draw the line and hold it. There WOULD be casualties to begin with but there would be a lot fewer casualties over the long haul.

I do believe that we ought to seal the border and anyone that tries and enter should be shot.

We'd have to shoot a couple to show we mean business but after a few people are shot the illegal entries would come to a complete halt.

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Are you really stupid enough to think

that the left gives a damn about people getting hurt or killed if it helps them achieve their goals?

If the leftists had gotten wind about someone plotting to shoot up a school or orphanage do you think they'd try and stop it? I sure don't. They'd sit there quietly smiling and waiting and probably have their little public relations team standing by to start making a stir even before the last body hit the ground.

If you think the leftists at the top give a damn about the mob of Hispanics headed to the border guess again. The leftists at the top don't care if every single one of those people get killed so long as it embarrasses the Trump administration.

Of course the left will cry and sob and crocodile tears the size of turds will run down their face as they cry about the poor people that got injured at the border. They will carry on about how they got such a raw deal but the truth is when nobody's looking they will be shouting "YES! YES!" at the top of their lungs because they have gotten to put the administration in a bad light and screw the poor bastards that got hurt.

Those people in the caravan are being used. If you think for a second that the left really cares about them then guess again.

This is nothing new to me whatsoever. It was only a few years ago I listened to a pair of Democratic soccer moms say that they didn't mind welfare programs "because it kept the ni**ers down in the inner city where they belonged and kept them out of the suburbs".

Actually there's more to it than that. If you keep the poor on the government dole long enough they forget how to take care of themselves and become so dependent on government that they can easily be controlled by threats to take things away from them.

Still, the caravan is nothing more than an invasion force created by outside money from somewhere. The caravan should be stopped and the truth of the matter is that as an invading force I personally would have no objections with stopping them with lethal force if necessary.

Of course there would be a lot of blubbering about women and children getting hurt but the blame should really fall on the parents for exposing their children to such dangers.

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Monday, October 22, 2018

Tripping over a shoelace

is something I have not done once in all of my almost 67 years.

I have been wearing Topsiders since I was about 20 and they are constantly coming untied. Years ago I gave up in keeping rawhide laces tied. A couple of times I have put a gob of glue in the knot to keep them from coming untied but I have not done that in decades.

My general policy is to tie them in the morning and call it good. Half the time they come untied before I get to the driveway and I just say the hell with it and leave them.

Sometimes people warn me and tell me that I could trip over an untied shoelace but I just politely thank them and go about my business.

To me is's just another old wive's tale because I have never tripped over one.

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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Jobs not mobs

In two years Trump has created over a million jobs.

Obama made jobs go away and told us to get used to it.

In the meantime Antifa and the like have been starting trouble by attacking people of all levels that have supported President Trump.

I don't dare put a bumper sticker on my pickup any more that is even remotely political for fear of it being vandalized.

Our elected officials can't even go out to dinner without being attacked by leftist flash mobs.

Yet as I write jobs are being created by the thousands.

I think the Republicans should start a campaign of letting the middle of the roaders see what is really going on.

"Jobs not mobs" should become the Republican national buzzword. 

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Friday, October 19, 2018

I am sitting here wondering what to write next

And I don't have a clue.

I just read where the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences sent out an email with the subject line of "Party with Spooks" and shortly thereafter sent out a letter of apology.

Yes, I am aware that the term 'spook' can have racial connotations but that's at the bottom of my list of definitions for the word.

The first definition that comes to mind is a CIA agent.

The second definition is a scary Halloween type of spirit.

The third is the racial connotation referring to blacks.

It's obvious that the second definition applies here so I fail to see where the Houston Museum has anything to apologize for.

If the black/white liberal community has taken issue with this it is another case of creating a problem where there is none and simply of looking for something to feel offended about. 

They get no sympathy from me.  

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Wool is some pretty interesting stuff.

I own a couple of wool shirts made by LL Bean and they always seem to be fresh and nice after I air them out after wearing them. It's the damnedest thing.

I can wear one next to a camp fire for a weekend and they will smell like a forest fire when I leave the fire. They really seem to hold the odor, at least for a while.

However, if I hand them out in the wind for a while they smell fresh as a flower and never seem to need to be washed.

I can't seem to figure it out.

If I do the same thing to a cotton shirt it still manages to hold some of the odor.

I guess that's why they are the go to shirts for camping and hunting.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

I see where there are accusations of voter suppression in a couple of places.

The three that come to mind as I write are Florida, Indiana and North Dakota.

Parts of Florida got walloped by a hurricane the other day and the system is down for a while but should be up and running if it isn't already. It is typical of the opposing party to make accusations based on things like this. I'm fairly sure that things will be properly adjusted in time to make sure things are on the up and up.

Of course the self righteous liberals are screaming blue bloody murder accusations over this. If the Western Eastmenians dropped a 2000 pound blockbuster on the state voter registration office both parties would be screaming about how the other party is responsible as the Western Eastmenians laughed themselves silly.

The wailing, moaning, gnashing of teeth would be epic.

North Dakota is also under the gun and although there is some merit to the left's accusations, the so called disenfranchised Native Americans haven't lived up to their responsibility, either.

ND has a voter ID law which all states should have. Apparently the tribal ID cards don't align with the requirements of identification set up by the state. There is also the issue of Native American fixed addresses and homelessness involved. Many reservation homes do not have street addresses and PO boxes as an address are unacceptable. I think to some extent the ND authorities dropped the ball along the way. On the other hand the tribal council should have probably stepped up to the plate and come up with a method of assigning addresses even if it meant creating paper roads through the reservation. This isn't difficult at all.

On the other hand, maybe North Dakota should accept the reservation as a bona fide address. It would also solve another problem that has been brought up, that of homelessness. Apparently the reservation has a homeless population. Perhaps permitting the use of the reservation as an address would simply solve the problem and permit the Native American homeless to register.

Incidentally the voter also has a responsibility to get off of their ass and register and before the deadline, too. I hear complaining that the vote is being suppressed by people that have failed to register by the deadline. 

Actually I do believe that the individual Indian should look toward the tribal council for this failure. You can certainly call it a lead pipe cinch that if a tribal ID of sorts had to conform to a certain specification in order to receive welfare or any other government programs that every person in the tribe would have one that is not only gold plated, but boilerplated, too. 

Apparently the little Suzie Cream Cheese whiners want the state to hand deliver their voter ID to them on a silver platter. They claim there are too many hoops to jump through. Yet the same people (not just Indians) that gripe about the hassle involved in voter registration will negotiate an obstacle course in seconds to get on a social program. You have to want to vote and have to be willing to at least exert some effort.

I'm going to call the ND situation a case where both sides are partially at fault.

Voter ID laws are important and while they should never be used to suppress the vote they should be enacted to assure fair elections. It is important that people are alive and only vote once.

Let's take a look at the Indiana purging of voters that has been held up until after the court manages to settle things. The point is presently moot.

From what I have read Indiana has started cross checking registrations and if a voter is registered to vote elsewhere their name is purged off of the list. Registered voters are cross referenced to see if they are registered to vote elsewhere. If so the dates are checked and if the date of the out of state registration in newer than the Indiana registration date the person is supposed to be dropped from the voting rolls.

This makes sense and ought to be a national policy. You can only vote once and in one place. Actually Indiana also should have a duty to report that said people have registered in Indiana and should be dropped from the rolls at their previous residence. 

Over the years I have met more than one Floridian snowbird that claims to have dual residency and claims to vote in two places. Of the few people I have met, most are New Yorkers. If they are in New York for election day they vote in Florida by absentee ballot and vote in person at their home. This is wrong and the law in Indiana is an effort to clean this despicable practice up. Yet these people actually brag about it.

Actually there IS a cure for this sort of thing that involves the courts and prison system. Jailing those caught doing this sort of thing would go quite a ways in cleaning things up.

I'm not out to get someone's grandmother that moved in with her kids and still drives out to the old precinct where she is originally  registered. That in itself is not the problem. However, if Granny takes it upon herself to register at her kid's residence and then drives to her old neighborhood and votes again then it's time to have Granny spend a little time in the cross bar hotel and lose her right to vote as a felon.

I was registered to vote immediately after it became legal for 18 year olds to vote, back in 1971. I was registered in Massachusetts. Curiosity overwhelms me and I wonder if I am still registered to vote there. If so, I wonder if I am still voting there. It would be interesting to find out.

Come to think of it, I wonder if I am still registered to vote in Colorado and Alaska. I also wonder if I have been listed as having voted in Colorado since 1978 when I left and in Alaska since late 1989. Have I continued to vote in Colorado and Alaska since I moved out?

Frankly I would not be surprised, especially in Massachusetts, a place I consider to be a communist country. 

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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

One of my favorite people growing up was a friend's mom.

She was one of those people that sounded a lot like a simpleton but was in fact such a simpleton she was a genius.

One sunny Saturday she was sitting at our kitchen table with my mother drinking coffee. It was about noontime and I was hungry so I came in and made myself a can of vegetable beef soup and a sandwich. When it was done I took it out on the porch to eat and through the screen door I heard Connie ask my mom how she taught me to cook.

Mom replied that I had sort of just figured it out on my own because I like to eat. Connie laughed. She told mom she was lucky. Mom also mentioned that one of my kid sisters loved it when I cooked breakfast on Saturday mornings and described my  breakfast hashes and sandwiches I made out of leftovers. She said you had to use a spoon to eat some of the sandwiches which I suppose is true even though everything was generally stuck together with eggs.

She explained that she decided to teach all of her three sons to cook and my mother asked how she did it.

She said she would assign one son to make something with what she had left out for diner alongside a cook book and he was responsible for the evening meal.

Mom asked her how that managed to work out.

Connie replied that with three sons cooking two meals a week six days a week it took them all about two weeks to become passable cooks. She also chuckled that she took the stove over on Sundays to make sure that everyone got at least one decent evening meal a week.

Mom asked her if she helped out and she said she most certainly did not. She simply let brotherly peer pressure and nature run its course.

Connie laughed that the first couple of meals the boys cooked were terrible but after each son had cooked about four meals they all managed to become passable cooks and two of the three became pretty good cooks to the point where she'd grab one of them to help her cook if they did any entertaining.

Mom thought that was a pretty good idea and drafted me a few weeks later to help her make snacks because they were having people over to play Bridge.

I knew the men that were coming over and mom left me busy making the snacks and hors d'oeuvres. She had to go and get a few things and I knew I had time. I whipped up a pretty good pot of chili when she was gone.

I knew the men that came with their wives and they were all guys I liked. I hid the chili in the basement refrigerator and as usual, the women had pregame drinks in the living room while the guys assembled in the kitchen. Just before they arrived I carefully reheated the chili on the camp stove in the basement and when they were assembled in the kitchen I came up carrying the pot and grabbed bowls and started dishing up.

There were no refusals and while the women yakked in the living room the guys had chili and beer in the kitchen. The guys loved it.

One of the guys asked me my recipe and I remember telling him there was no real recipe, you simply made chili.

My father laughed when I said that and shook his head. He told him that I was right. You just scouted around and grabbed stuff and made chili. He commented that I had not used hamburger but had simply grabbed a small roast and cut it up into pieces about half the size of my little toe.

The following morning dad grabbed me and told me that if I hadn't made such a good pot of chili he'd have golfed me and we sneaked off to the supermarket to replace the roast I had hacked up to keep me out of hot water with Mom when she found the roast missing.

Dad was pretty slick. He fished the roast wrapper out of the trash and we went in scouted around until we found one that pretty much matched and mom was never the wiser...or so I thought.

Several months later she handed me another roast and told me to not only help her with the hors d'oeuvres but also to whip up a bigger pot of chili than the last time.

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Sunday, October 14, 2018

I see where CA has a policy of allowing just about anyone to vote regardless of citizenship.

The law itself requires citizenship but registers anyone with a driver's as a legal voter. Go figure. If that's not a way to nullify a law I do not know what is.

Actually I am more of a Heinlein type when it comes to citizenship. I don't believe in citizenship by birthright. I believe in citizenship through service and not just military service.

I was talking to a guy the other day that writes eight paychecks every week to his eight employees. He also carries the tab for 8 employees worth of health benefits for his employees. He's providing us a service. That ought to be good for something.

Several years ago I met a woman in Philly that had been a Vista Volunteer and had spent time back in the day working to teach youngsters a skill back in the late 60s. That ought to be good for something. 

I used to sail with a former smoke jumper that was stationed in the northwestern part of the country and had made numerous jumps into various wildfires in the western part of the country. The pay wasn't really all that good when you consider the risks but he was awfully proud of his service as a smoke jumper. That's worth something. It should also be noted that he had learned his parachuting skills as a member of the 82nd Airborne Division and that was military service which should be considered service, also.

I have known numerous volunteer firemen over the years and have also been one myself. Many of these guys have put themselves in harm's way for either little or nothing and many will continue to do so. Most of them train on their own time and many wind up paying for their training out of their own pockets either totally or partially. That ought to count as points towards good citizenship.

On the other hand there is BillyJoeBob sitting on the back porch of his Section 8 housing with a bottle of Boone's Farm wine doing absolutely nothing but taking money and goods from every government program he can find and mooching off the system. The fact that he is permitted to vote is a travesty of justice. It's a slam dunk that he'll simply support more for himself at the cost to those of us that support ourselves. Enough of his type on the voting rolls and the system will collapse in no time.

At the very very least in order to be allowed to vote a person should have a history of being a legitimate taxpayer and of putting something into the pot instead of having made a career of taking from everyone. It's ridiculous permitting people that drain the system to have a say in things.

Incidentally service doesn't end when an enlistment or other contract expires, either. A Navy Cross may certainly be good for something but it shouldn't mean a free ride for life. Even a Medal of Honor winner should be expected to continue to contribute somehow or another. Military or other service can get one through the door but a person should be required to keep on contributing one way or the other afterwards.

There was once a time in a lot of places where suffrage was restricted to landowners and that made sense because as landowners they actually had some skin in the game and had something to lose. On the other hand BillyJoeBob section 8 dweller really doesn't have anything to lose but the free lunch that is paid for by everyone else.

One could argue that restricting BillyJoeBob suffrage is unfair but is it? What has he done to have earned his right to say anything about what the government owes him because he hasn't done a thing to earn the right.

People will say that if suffrage is reduced to those with some skin in the game they will reduce welfare program and social programs. My answer to that is they have every right to say what they want government to do with their tax money. If they want to force BillyJoeBob to become self supporting that's OK. Maybe if BillyJoeBob is forced to get up off his ass he'd start making headway toward earning his citizenship and be able to legitimately gripe like the rest of us.

As for allowing illegal immigrants to vote?

No way in hell. Any non citizen caught voting should be jailed and deported and if they re-enter they should simply be executed.

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Saturday, October 13, 2018

I see where the Kurds are asking European nations to take back 900 captured Islamic State fighters

I fail to see why the Kurds bothered capturing these people in the first place.

It's up to the Kurds to take care of these people now.

Yes, feel free to take this any way you want to.

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Friday, October 12, 2018

Someone commented that short guys can only date short women

which is a lie because I peaked out at 5' 6" and dated a couple of real amazons back in the day.

It didn't bother me at all and I do not think they did, either. We had fun together which was what mattered at the time. 

One woman was 6' 2" and once asked me if the difference in height bothered me. I told her to look at my feet which were shod in Topsiders, a thin soled shoe if ever there was one. I smiled at her and asked her if she'd wear heels when we went out. She'd sometimes put on a pair of 4 inch spikes which made her a full foot taller than me.

I thought that was pretty cool.

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Thursday, October 11, 2018

Just saw where the airlines threw someone off for an emotional support squirrel'

I saw a picture of her and she was on a wheelchair which didn't surprise me.

She tied up an airplane for two long hours with her shit ans as far as I am concerned she owes a lot of people something for thier time that she wasted with her bull$hit.

It seemed that quite often at the National Matches someone would ride a Jetski into the impact area and shut the match in progress down until someone could go out there and chase them off. It could tie things up for hours.

I guess the Naval Militia arrests them but what would likely bring an end to such stupidity is if everyone that lost time sued the idiot for the time they lost waiting for the foolery to end. Figure tieing up, say 3000 people for 2 hours means that that precious snowflake owes 3000 people two hour worth of time. At fifty bucks apiece based twenty five bucks an hour that's $150,000.

Having to cough up that much money at once would likely mean there would be few repeats.

If Little Miss I need a squirrel for emotional support were told to cough up for the time and inconvenience she caused I'll bet this bullshit would come to a screeching halt.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Sorry but I don't care if your named you,Eric, Earache.

Get over it.

One of the things smart mothers do is to be careful of what they name their kids.

Richard is going to become Rich or Dick and if you cannot live with that then pick another name.

Kids were and to some extent still are kids and nicknames tend to stick for life.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Ya got two choices. Pick one.

A couple of weeks ago I got poison ivy on the ankle area because I was in the wayback without socks on and probably ventured into a small parch of it while working on an antenna.

I went straight to the garden sprayer that had bleach in it from another outdoor cleaning project and hosed down both ankles. Of course it stung like hell.

I did it again in the late afternoon and while it still stung it wasn't quite as bad.

I hit the ankles twice the next day and called it good and in a couple of days everything had cleared up.

The way I see it I had two choices. Either use bleach and tolerate the short period of discomfort until the stinging went away or screw around with various lotions etc and itch for a couple of weeks until it cleared up.

Git 'er done!

But then again I am one of those guys that rips a band aid off fast instead of spending hours picking at it. You lose less hair that way.

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Monday, October 8, 2018

Columbus was lost.

I'm siding with the American Indians today.

First of all Columbus didn't discover America. His claim is about as legitimate as the claim a couple of Indians made when they got off a jet in Genoa and said they had discovered Italy.

There were already people here just as there were already people in Genoa.

Like I opened with, Christopher Columbus was lost. He thought he had landed in India and referred to the people that he met as Indians which I suppose is the reason kids used to play cowboys and Indians.

I would imagine that if Columbus thought he had landed in Manila that kids would have played cowboys and Filipinos. 

Actually that wouldn't really be all that bad as it does have a nice ring to it. I can hear the wagon master in a Western shouting "Filipinos! Draw the wagons up into a circle!" 

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Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Golden Years of Goodwill

I would have to say that the golden years of Goodwill were from about 1970 to pretty close to 1990.

Back then there was a glut of all kinds of neat stuff on the market and for cheap. For a couple of buck you could walk into a Goodwill store and walk out as anyone you wanted to be.

If you wanted to look like an attorney, no problem. Five bucks and you'd look just like you were off to defend a man falsely accused of murder. On the other hand you could come out looking like a Reno used car salesman. Then again for about $4.50 I walked out looking every bit like a 30s gangster in a double breasted pinstripe suit, a black shirt, white necktie and a big fedora. An extra $1.50 bought me a violin case to carry which presumably had a Tommy gun in it.

The WW2 generation was cleaning their closets out and the Vietnam guys had started putting on a little weight. My all time favorite was when I scored a few white linen suits the GIs had custom made in Thailand that fit me like a glove.

Add a 25 cent white shirt, a godawful purple necktie and a white Panama type straw hat and I became the Governor of American Samoa. It was a look I enjoyed for years in Kodiak. I even wore it when I ran a sham campaign for mayor.

Once I found a perfectly fitting Superman suit that I had some fun with. I actually wore it at work siding condos but I had to be careful if it was windy as the cape blew all over hell.

Before Steampunk became Steampunk you could buy a really neat outfit for a couple of bucks.

Want to be Audie Murphy? Cool. There were still a lot of WW2 uniforms up for grabs cheap. Another one of my favorites was an Australian Navy Coastwatcher outfit I put together for cheap. Swap out the Aussie bush hat for a $2.00 pith helmet and I was ready to go to India and carry on there. Right-o! Carry on! I have to meet Rudyard Kipling for lunch. Sorry, but I must not tarry or I'll be late.

B-24 pilot? No problem. Khaki pants and shirt, leather jacket and fifty mission crush hat ran $4-5 for the entire outfit. I saw a jacket that didn't fit me with a CBI blood chit on it for $2.00 once. Too bad it didn't fit me.

Wanna be a cowboy? No problem. Two or three bucks.

I once found a pre WW2 Boy Scout uniform complete with campaign hat and to the amusement of the guys I spent and afternoon helping little old ladies across the street until I got beaten half senseless with a cane by one that didn't want go.

One of my running partners always seemed to gravitate towards the Reno used car salesman look but once came out looking like he was Doctor Ben Casey. He fooled some woman into believing he was an open heart surgeon. I fooled her girlfriend into believing I was a professor of some sort from UCLA that night and a good time was had by all.

Of course all good things come to an end but it was a lot of fun while it lasted.

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Saturday, October 6, 2018

Are any of you readers women that have sons?

How does it feel raising a son in a world where any trashy little bimbo can come along, make a false allegation against him and destroy his life over nothing but the fact that she doesn't like him?

This kind of thing is not going to stop until those who bear false witness against their neighbor are brought to task for it.

Knowingly filing a false report ought to be a serious felony and cases of it should be actively pursued.


Ever notice that an awful lot of women that claim someone groped them look like someone that any reasonable man wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole?

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Ah, yes. Another day

Another post.

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Friday, October 5, 2018

Vote 'YES" on 'NO'!

I used to have a sign I would put up come election time that read 'Vote YES on NO'.

I can't find it which is a shame.

It confused people and that is generally a good thing.

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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Someone once read something written in 1948 and commented that

the writer sounded pretty racist towards the Japanese.

Maybe he was but let's take a look at the writer.

He happened to be a Pacific Marine that had served in two major campaigns during WW2 and had faced some of the worst savagery the world has ever seen. He wrote in 1948 and the brutality he saw was still fresh in his mind.

I can't really say as I'd blame him.

I was born a few years after the war and had no part of it. I didn't witness the horrors the troops faced while fighting thee Japanese and can't begin to imagine what these men saw.

Still, I can certainly see why a lot of them were less than enamored with the Japanese. 

Yesterday I ran into a 93 year old Pacific Marine that had been through Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan and Okinawa.  

I didn't ask but I'd put pretty good money that he didn't drive a Toyota if he was still driving. 

You have to get into a person and walk around in his skin for a while before you can judge him.

Several years ago in the cockpit of a sailboat headed for Tacoma from Hawaii the subject of Hitler youth came up and I took a look at myself as a younger kid. I was a Boy Scout and liked the outdoors, shooting, fishing and things. I very, very well would have joined as a kid and wound up brainwashed enough to try and shoot a Sherman tank with a Panzerfaust during the last days of the war.

Same holds if I were a Japanese farm kid growing up in the late 30s. I would have probably believed everything I was told by the government and fallen in on the final Banzai charge on some God forsaken island.

The difference between me and a lot of others is I'll look at it honestly and admit it. I'll at least try and figure out how I would have acted in a different time and place and under different circumstances.

It's pretty easy to criticize some old goat that doesn't like the Japanese (or the Germans or whomever) if you haven't either been there or at the least looked at things through their eyes.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

I always like how they get Navy SEALs to endorse outdoor stuff.

Most SEAL missions are fairly short in and out affairs. Not all of them, but most of them.

Nothing against SEALs, they're OK in my book but when it comes to endorsing survival rations and brag about how many MREs you have eaten they ought to simply use a basic grunt. For SEALs it is far more likely it's in and out and back to hot chow.

On the other hand, basic grunts in the field are out eating stuff like MREs for much longer periods of time.

For outside stuff I do believe I would rather take the word of a grunt that's seen extensive action than a SEAL, especially for stuff like MREs, boots, and basic outdoor gear.

No slight on the SEALs but the grunts do spend more time in the mud as a general rule.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

I see where California is now requiring

publicly traded corporations to have at least one woman on the board of directors.

Smooth move, Ex-Lax!

Watch and see how many change headquarters to the next state over AND take their money with them.

Like it or not, the fewer restrictions a business has the greater the chances it will have of success. I'd be out of California like a shot if I were running a business there.

Years ago I worked for a company headquartered out of Philly and the city was playing tax games with them.

Quick fix. The CEO moved them to Tampa and Philly whined about it and said it wasn't fair. 


Philly did it to themselves.

California is doing it to themselves. 

They have been for quite some time. I saw this coming when someone told me that Sacramento passed a law requiring condoms for the porn business. What happened? The porn business moved out and like it or not, porn is a multi billion dollar business.

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Monday, October 1, 2018

Interesting. Two smart fathers.

I ran into two guys outside of Walmart. Their kids had grown up and they were talking about life after children.

Both of them had sons that had gotten into trouble with the law and both of them handled it the same way and both of them had sons that cleaned up their acts.

When they got word their sons had been arrested they simply refused to post bail and left them there.

They both reported that their wives went nuts over their decision and demanded that they bail their poor little babies out but they both held fast.

The one thing they did do was to cut a deal to get the charges reduced to misdemeanor so the young lads would not have their entire lives ruined by a felony conviction. That makes sense.

One lad spent five days in lockup and the other spent ninety days in the cooler.

Neither of the two have had any trouble with the law since.

Sounds to me like two smart fathers.

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