Wednesday, October 31, 2018

I see where Trump is going to try and curb birthright citizenship

which is going to be an interesting point of Constitutional law. He very well may lose this issue.

Personally I wish citizenship was something earned instead of a birthright. We'd be a lot better off. I'm kind of a  Heinlein sort of guy myself but let's not go here.

The term anchor baby means a baby born in the United States. It means that the entire family gets to stay here which really isn't right.

We could declare the baby to be a US citizen and either have the parents leave the child or let the child return when he/she is of age. If Trump loses on Constitutional grounds he could go this route and in compliance with the Constitution. 

As for the currently headed this way caravans the way I see it is that the president should do whatever it takes to keep those people out. 

I have said it before and I guess I will have to say it again, if we stop these people by using deadly force and turn them back they probably won't return. They will realize we mean business.

One has to realize that people will try and get away with what they can. By playing Mister Nice Guy over time more people get hurt than if you are Mister Bastard right off the top.

The worst case is often when a person tries to not be a bastard at first but slowly gets forced into it. He always comes across as the asshole.

On the other hand, the guy that is a bastard from the git-go generally causes fewer casualties and bent noses over time. People know what to expect.

As far as the border goes, we're going to look bad doing it, but the way to go is simply seal it up and use deadly force on those crossing illegally.

A handful of people will get hurt but you can bet your boots that it will being things to a halt.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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