Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Are you really stupid enough to think

that the left gives a damn about people getting hurt or killed if it helps them achieve their goals?

If the leftists had gotten wind about someone plotting to shoot up a school or orphanage do you think they'd try and stop it? I sure don't. They'd sit there quietly smiling and waiting and probably have their little public relations team standing by to start making a stir even before the last body hit the ground.

If you think the leftists at the top give a damn about the mob of Hispanics headed to the border guess again. The leftists at the top don't care if every single one of those people get killed so long as it embarrasses the Trump administration.

Of course the left will cry and sob and crocodile tears the size of turds will run down their face as they cry about the poor people that got injured at the border. They will carry on about how they got such a raw deal but the truth is when nobody's looking they will be shouting "YES! YES!" at the top of their lungs because they have gotten to put the administration in a bad light and screw the poor bastards that got hurt.

Those people in the caravan are being used. If you think for a second that the left really cares about them then guess again.

This is nothing new to me whatsoever. It was only a few years ago I listened to a pair of Democratic soccer moms say that they didn't mind welfare programs "because it kept the ni**ers down in the inner city where they belonged and kept them out of the suburbs".

Actually there's more to it than that. If you keep the poor on the government dole long enough they forget how to take care of themselves and become so dependent on government that they can easily be controlled by threats to take things away from them.

Still, the caravan is nothing more than an invasion force created by outside money from somewhere. The caravan should be stopped and the truth of the matter is that as an invading force I personally would have no objections with stopping them with lethal force if necessary.

Of course there would be a lot of blubbering about women and children getting hurt but the blame should really fall on the parents for exposing their children to such dangers.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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