Tuesday, February 26, 2019

One of the things I am trying to do is make arrangements for me to be buried at sea when I am gone.

I do NOT want to be cremated and if I really had my way I would be buried at sea by the Navy in the traditional manner of being placed in a mattress cover with a weight in the foot end.

The Navy used to use three inch projectiles from what I read but some scrap steel of some sort would do just fine.

As a vet I can get the Navy to bury me at sea for free but there is a catch there.Remains have to be casketed and in a sealed body bag. I want my remains to return to the sea naturally and give the fish their turn. 

Incidentally a casket that does not sink immediately becomes a hazard to navigation and is fired upon which would be fine by me as it would hole the body bag and allow the fish whatever to do their thing.

God only knows how many fish I have eaten in my day and it's only fair to give them their turn.

Also there is the family thing and I suppose my sisters and niece and nephew would like to see me off. They can't be aboard the Navy vessel because it is a working ship that is underway on an assigned mission of some sort.

There are a couple of outfits that will bury me at sea for a fee and right now I am seeing if they would permit a burial in a GI mattress cover. 

That has yet another set of requirements and I had best figure out which is the best way to go while I am still alive and kicking. Still, they will allow family to go out with them and have their dog and pony show and see me off.

Frankly I have my doubts about some of my family going out to the 600 fathom curve and watching a skipper read a verse from the 1789 Book of Common Prayer and slide me into the ocean. I am probably going to have to tell them that they had best get the Transdermal seasick patch and put it on beforehand lest it be a horrible experience for some of them that get seasick.

It would probably be better for everyone if they just hand me off to the skipper and send him out there alone to slide me over the side 

Anyway, I guess I'll get it all figured out shortly.

I will post more on this later.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. Piccolo isn’t allowed to die... we need his votes for intelligent people. đŸ˜‰
