Tuesday, February 12, 2019

One of the things people fail to understand

about illegally entering the country is how dangerous it is and how high the casualty numbers are.

This holds especially in the desert areas where untold numbers of people simply die of dehydration and that's if they actually make it to the border to begin with.

Those Central and South Americans that cut through Mexico are often beaten, robbed and murdered. President Trump said that about a third of the woman that pass through Mexico are sexually assaulted but I have heard in other places the rate is higher than that.

Coyotes prey on these people and rob them blind. Over the years people have been found dead in the back of trucks having been left there by human traffickers.

It really is a can of worms that has a simple solution.

If the government were to authorize the use of deadly force to keep these people out there would be an immediate handful of casualties.None of this chase them down, give them a summons and send them on their way. You simply shoot them. This would not go on for very long because people would smarten up very quickly. The number of illegals being shot at the border would drop like a stone to nothing inside a couple of days because nobody likes getting shot. Illegal immigration would instantly stop.

So would an awful lot of death and human suffering.

People would not have to deal with the coyotes anymore simply because they would decide against entering the country illegally. 

Of course the usual assortment of Band-Aid pickers go through life removing Band-Aids by slowly picking at them instead of just tearing one off and being done with it will condemn the use of deadly force to secure the border.

That's because they are afraid to confront the issue, deal with it and get it done with. Truth is they are not being very kind. Instead of a handful of casualties and stopping the problem cold these Band-Aid pickers want to drag thing on and create one hell of a lot more casualties than simply doing it and getting it over with.

They will simply let things continue to go on the way they are and let the killings, rapes, robberies and other violence continue. The casualties over a very brief time will exceed what they would have been if we just started seriously enforcing the border laws.

Sometimes being hard like that produces the least amount of human suffering. No matter what, there are going to be casualties either way. Casualties can't be eliminated. They can only be minimized. People are going to get hurt and die. The paradox here is that the most brutal way of doing something is sometimes the kindest.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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