Sunday, February 3, 2019

Second lieutenant, unpromotable.

I have mentioned before that when I went through basic the standards were so low that it made me look like a rocket scientist.

I was a high school graduate and that was about it yet for some odd reason I was offered a shot at OCS. I was actually pretty lucky because someone somewhere along the line told me that one of the military schools had some program where you would take an Associate's degree, commission and be promoted to first lieutenant upon completing a bachelor's degree. Until they got their degree they would stay at the bottom of the heap.

My drill sergeant called me in and made the OCS offer to me and told me what a great deal it was and so on. I simply told him I did not want to be an unpromotable second lieutenant.

He and the assistant drill sergeant started trying to sell me on the program. I wasn't interested. I had been forewarned.

I said to them "Look, you two guys may not be too bright but you're both brighter than I am. How come you guys didn't jump on this program?"

Much to their credit, right then and there they caved in and agreed with me that it was kind of a sad deal career wise, although there was one thing to be said for it. I probably could have gotten a college education out of the deal.

Still, four years as an unpromotable second lieutenant would have really been a total drag and a lousy start if I had been service career oriented. 

I think that was one of the few programs the army had that kind of sucked.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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