Sunday, March 31, 2019

Ah, yes. The homeless in Seattle

Someone just visited Seattle and reported to me that the homeless situation there is getting totally out of hand and reports feces on the sidewalk and the usual things that go along with a place becoming a homeless Mecca.

He also reported that they are going to start building housing for the homeless which is a sure fire way to make the situation even worse. It's a lead pipe cinch that the people that get this housing won't take care of it and it will turn into a place that's even worse than a lot of homeless camps. 

The prospect of free housing will get out and Seattle will be even more flooded with homeless people. 

Someone has thrown a punch at Seattle and Seattle has decided to defend themselves by leaning into it.

I suppose what they ought to do is simply make it a point to do nothing for a lot of these people so they will go to San Francisco.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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