Thursday, January 20, 2011

Last night's TV

The other night Neighbor Bob and I watched the last of the four Indiana Jones movies. We caught ‘Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull’.

This one was great escape fantasy entertainment and a wonderful way to hide from reality for a few hours.

Now, I have been an Indiana Jones fan since ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ came out in 1881. I saw it in Kodiak and it actually forced me to change my wardrobe because at the time I generally ran around town in a khaki shirt, leather jacket and fedora. After the movie people started asking me why I was dressed like Indy when the truth was Indy was dressed like me.

Anyway, in the latest Indy thriller it was pretty cool because there is Indy, in 1957. Wikipedia list the fictitious character as being born in 1899 so I guess that in 1957 he was 58 years old, which is not much younger than I am now.

I’ll say that at my age, I suppose I could survive a nuclear blast by hiding in a refrigerator and being blown through the air for several miles only to crawl out fairly unscathed. My swashbuckling days are not quite over so I’ll have to give Indy a pass on that one.

I also have some land in Florida up for sale now if you are interested. It would make a nice retirement home for you. Interested parties bring cash.

This was probably the first movie Neighbor Bob and I have watched together and we drank a couple of beers during the movie and the cat rule came into play here and was properly obeyed.

The cat rule is somewhat simple. Whoever’s lap the cat is sitting on at the time doesn’t have to get up and get the next beer out of the refrigerator. The other person does.

The cat kept changing laps, so even that evened out pretty good.

All in all it was a pretty good movie and a great way to blow off a few hours and escape into the land of escape.

I wonder what Spielberg and Lucas are going to do with Indy.

As I age, it would be really neat to see him get older and continue his adventures. A while back there was a TV series that included Indy at the ripe old age of 93 getting into mischief and I’d just bet that they could really make another couple of pretty funny old man silver screen swashbucklers that would sell pretty well.

Anyway, I guess I’m going to have to keep my eyes open and see if Indy has been retired or if he pops up again.

We’ll see.

Then again, the Crystal Skull is going to be a pretty hard act to follow.

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1 comment:

  1. In the "Young Indiana Jones" show, where it was told from the point of view of Old Indy remembering his childhood/youth to a granddaughter, he was missing an eye.

    I'd love to see a 5th movie where he loses an eye. I mean, I wouldn't love to see him lose an eye, but it would have to be something pretty freakin' epicly badass and jawdroppingly spectacular.

    As long as its not Shia LeDoudus trying to be all "im indys son!"..... I still think they should have brought back Short Round, instead of introducing 'mutt'. ugh.
