Sunday, December 11, 2011

Grub shopping at WallyWorld is a thing

I have to do for the boat every so often. It's a pain in the duff, but during the holidays it is a bit worse. Checking out is the worst part of the process because sometimes people that do not understand what is going on try and cut in between carts, of which I sometimes have several.

While I try and keep them tightly together to make it clear it is one order, I can't always because I am boxing groceries up at the same time. SOmetimes it gets a little chaotic.

Truth is I shop for the boat at WallyWorld because I save a bundle for the boat guys but sometimes it is a problem. WHen you add that on top of grub there are quite a lot of bulky items like paper towels I buy it is no wonder I sometimes wind up with three or four carts of stuff.

The WallyWorld people are pretty good about letting me stash my filled carts but checking out gets to be a hassle. I do my damnedest to try and make things pretty easy for people behind me by explaining that the process is going to take a while. Most people are grateful to be forewarned; they simply use another aisle. However, there is always some dope that can't seem to figure it out.

I had just finished ringing up two carts of grub and was headed the entryway of the checkout aisle to get the next pair of carts when some jerk barged in and put his four items on the conveyor belt and looked at me.

"I'm in a hurry," he said.

"Then you might want to use the other aisle," I said. "I'm only halfway done ringing up my order."

"But you can..." he continued.

"Cash out now and restart?" I interrupted. "No way, I only have one check with me."

"But I'm in a hurry," he repeated.

"Then go through another aisle. I'm not done yet," I repeated. "Now either please take your items or I'll buy them to get them out of the way."

He stood there with a stupid look on his face.

I looked at the man's four items. Under ten bucks worth. I made a decision.

I picked up the items and scanned them and reopened a fruit box I was boxing the grub in and placed his four items in the box. The clerk gave me a serious look, but said nothing.

"What are you doing with my stuff?" he cried out, excitedly.

"Not your stuff, MY stuff. I just bought it." I replied, simply.

He went into shock and after a few seconds angrily told me he was going to get a manager.

"Fine," I said. "Seems like you're in a hurry but you have enough time to kill getting a manager and starting a protracted argument, Right? The smartest thing you can do is get another four items and find another register. I told you several times I wasn't done ringing up my order. I told you it was going to take a while."

The last two carts actually went fast. They took only about a minute because they were mainly paper towels. By the time the guy returned with a manager I had handed the clerk my check and he was putting it into his drawer.

"What's going on here," asked the manager.

"This rude and stupid man barged in while I was halfway through ringing up my order and demanded that he get his four items rung up." I answered.

The manager looked at the clerk. "Is that true?" he asked.

"Yes, it's true," I interrupted. "The man is rude and stupid."

The manager looked at me. He clearly didn't know whether to laugh or chew me out. He turned to the clerk, who nodded.

"And the man's items?" asked the manager.

"Not his items, MINE. I have paid for them and they are mine. Every item in these carts and boxes has been bought and paid for." I said, conversationally. "I explained to him that he was interrupting my order but he didn't seem to get it. I simply bought the stuff he put on the conveyor to expedite things. Just another bump in the road."

The manager turned to the man. "I guess you're just going to have to get another four items and wait in line. he said, simply. Then he added, "Try not to cut in line," with a little snide edge in his voice.

Then he turned to me. "Need help getting your groceries to your car?" he asked, waving his hand to someone who came over. He looked at the teenager. "Help this man get his purchases out to his car."

my other blog is:

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