Saturday, December 3, 2011

I just read where a church has refused to perform an inter racial marriage


This, of course, puts an old grouch like me right smack in the middle of things. I guess it is time for me to get a full five-gallon pail full of golf ball sized rocks to throw because I am going to need them. There will be a lot of people that are going to need rocks thrown at them and I see a pretty tired arm coming on.

First of all, there is the church. Refusing to marry an interracial couple is a crock. Someone in that church need to get bonked up alongside the head and had some sense knocked into him. This goes without saying. I abhor racism in all its ugly forms. Period.

The church is the least of my worries.

The truth is that the church DOES have the right to refuse to marry interracial couples. If you are an interracial couple and you want to get married I suppose you'll just have to go somewhere else.

(Why an interracial couple would want to get married in a place like that is beyond me.)

The reason I have stuffed my five gallon pail full of rocks are for the idiots that are sure to come along and try and get te government to force the church to marry these people.

Of course the NAACP is sure to show up and caterwaller and try and get Big Brother to step in and force the church to behave itself in a politically correct manner, next, the ACLU is likely to step up to the plate to make sure that this couple can get married there. Certainly, the SCLC is likely to stick their nose into it and demand some kind of legislation.

All of these groups are a big part of what my pail of rocks is to be used for.

Then there is the government that will most likely cater to these groups and propose legislation of some sort so the couple can get married and they will likely come up with some kind of angle whereby a person of any race any color, any religion can get married anywhere they want.

This will force, for example, the Catholic Church to marry Muslims and the Muslims to marry Baptists and the Jews to marry Hindus and so on down the line. Right now churches generally marry members, which seems fine to everyone and if you are an athiest, there's always the JP at the county court house.

Because there are two sides to marriages, the religious and the civil, this will relegate the duties of clergymen all over the country to being part-time clergymen and part-time justices of the peace. I can see it now. The churches and synagogues being turned into Las Vegas style wedding chapels. Of course, the wedding chapels will be in an annex outside the main church.

There's Father O'Malley who is now offering 10% off of wedding rings so he can compete with Rabbi Goldman who is the best Elvis impersonator in town.

If government steps in and tries to tell this church who they can and cannot marry, then they will get the bulk of the rocks in my pail.

As usual, I find myself in the predicament of having to fight for the rights of someone to do something I find pretty damned distasteful.

A democratic republic can withstand a few nutcases here and there with no problems whatsoever, and when you look at if from another light, the presence of these nutcases is probably a pretty healthy thing because they serve the purpose of keeping things stirred up a bit.

A democratic republic ought to be stirred up regularly because much like a good stew, if you don't stir it up every so often the bottom gets burned and the scum rises to the top.

What a democratic republic cannot withstand is government trying to step in and solve problems that the people can and should solve by themselves.

The solution to this problem is simple.

Let the couple get married somewhere else. I am sure there are any number of churches out there that will happily join this couple in holy wedlock and if all else fails, I suppose they can just cough up their couple of bucks and get married by a justice of the peace.

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