Saturday, August 25, 2012

a canteen cup holds about $50 in change.

There has been a USGI canteen cup on my kitchen table for years and I often toss my loose pocket change in it. A lot of people do this in oone way or another.

I know of one guy that uses a 5 gallon water cooler bottle.

Anyway, generally what happens to the change collection is every so often, say on a Sunday afternoon when the banks are closed and I need a couple of bucks the cup gets raided.  I remember that one night I ordered a pizza and only had about $12 cash so I scarfed another $3 out of the cup to make sure the driver got a tip.

A while ago I stopped raiding the cup because I started a dollar bill stash for use with my radio hobby as there are sometimes special events out there that one encloses a dollar or two with his QSL card for whatever certificate the club is issuing.

Anyway, the cup was about 3/4 of an inch from the top and I decided to head  off to the local coinstar and see what was in it.

When I got done with the Coinstar machine I took home $49.83 which ain''t bad.

As I write this I am looking in the cup and there are 84 cents in it so I guess I'm starting over again.

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