Friday, August 10, 2012

The feds can't even run a damned whorehouse that sells whiskey profitably.

An apology to the Americans coming up behind me.

You're screwed and it is all the fault of the lazy and selfish bastards that have come before you and saddled you with so much debt you will never be able to pay off in your lifetimes.

Don't blame me because I have done all I can to vote for people that would stop this insanity. I know I have tried. Truth is there has been nobody to vote for as both parties are responsible for this mess. For most of my life I have simply had to vote for the candidate that I thought would do the least amount of damage to both the economy and the Bill of Rights.

Much of this debt comes in the form of money that we have simply given away to people that have done nothing whatsoever to deserve it. We have set our governmental employees up with insane 20 years and out pensions that have plucked them out of doing their jobs just at the peak of their careers and allowed them to leave in mid career start pulling in unsustainable pensions that will most likely be paid to them for twice as long as they have worked.

We have supported people on generational welfare programs that started during the Great Depression that were designed as an emergency stopgap measure to help people simply survive until things got better. There are now generations of these people that have never known a day's work and have only known the government check as a source of income.

An awful lot of these so-called poor are living a lot better than the poor slobs busting their ass to support them. I see it all the time when I see the EBT cards being plled out in Philly supermarkets and notice that these people are eating a whole lot better then the guys on my crew are after I spend every cent of our grub allotment on them, yet our taxes go to support these people.

I also see that we are pouring money still into low income housing and watching that get abused by these ingrates that turn these neighborhoods into trashy places to live that have to be torn down and rebuilt every so often. While that wasn't bad enough, we have made it possibe to get the poor to move into good, solid working class neighborhoods through section 8 housing.

Heralded as a way to put people into a better enviornment, it has only served to take good neighborhoods and start them into a downward spiral as a lot of these people have no idea whatsoever on how to live in a neighborhood and take care of themselves. Section 8 is often called the kiss of death to a decent neighborhood, yet we keep spending more and more money on this, simply reinforcing failure.

Our wellfare programs supply no motivation to get off of and instead make being a failure more and more comfortable at the cost of the poor slob that gets up in the morning and goes to work to pay taxes to pay for this little debacle.

Ben Franklin once said that the cure for poverty is to make is so uncomfortable that they will surely find a way to get out of it. I believe he had something there because we have made poverty so comfortable in this country that most people that fit into this mold seem to make no effort whatsoever to get out of it.

Why should they? They get a pretty comfortable life without having to lift a finger. Sounds pretty comfortable to me.

We have given untold amounts of money as 'foreign aid' that just went to pad the pockets of fat cats and shady characters overseas while little of it arrived to the poor people where it was intended to go.

The goods and food we send overseas are generally stolen by the warlords and other local powers and either kept outright from the poor or sold or traded to them, at least the parts that do not wind up in the pockets of corrupt officials.

We've simply taken money we don't have and given it away to people that should simply be told to make their own money. It is as simple as that.

One of the reasons for this is that these giveaways start at the Federal level while the social programs really belong at either the state or local level because of the massive bureaucracy they create that is unchangable. Once something begins on the hill there is generally no stopping it. It just continues on and on. We keep paying money out for things we no longer need.

We continue to do this even though we simply can't afford it and daily the debt to keep supporting these people increases.

It is drowning us in debt. We are so far in hock that our kids will never get things paid off in our lifetime.

Failed programs from LBJ's Great Society program continue on costing us money we don't have when they should have simply been scrapped decades ago and still we reenforce failure. Every nickel we spend on these programs goes to do nothing but reenforce failed policies and programs.

We're broke, people. Worse than broke, we're so far deep in debt we will not be able to climb out of it for generations. We've spent an awful lot of it reenforcing failure. A terrible amount of money has been poured down the bottomless pit of failure.

We can look at twenty and out pensions for one thing. A couple of unions in the private sector have tried that and figured out pretty quickly that it will not work because it is unsustainable. The numbers simply do not add up because the money is simply not there to make it work unless you make the membership dues keep going up and up and up. It does not really take a long time before union dues cost more than the paycheck the individual union member is taking home.

The dues rates have to increase expoentially as the munber of members decreases which in many cases they do as automation decreases the number of union members needed as the jobs are replaced by technology.

Yet an awful lot of governmental worker unions have managed to negotiate for these pensions and the only thing that can be done to keep paying them is to constantly raise taxes or create more debt. As of yet we have chosen to simply take on more debt. As these young retirees either get to cut back a few expenses and loll away the days on the golf course or return to another career.

Many of these governmental employees return to government service and retire again at about 60 and receive TWO govermnent pensions, in some cases they total to more than they made in wages when they were working.

I am already surprised that the entire system hasn't imploded yet.

Of course, we tax the living hell out of the rich with the rationale that they have the money and ought to be grateful to share it but that is not always the case. We forget that an awful lot of the rich got that way because they were good at cutting expenses and when taxes get too high they simply take their money and their businesses elsewhere where the tax base is lower. Many companies have moved out of highly taxed states to more business friendly states, as we know. Many have also moved their operations overseas both to reduce labor costs and taxes.

Adding to this are a number of disgusted billionaires that are simply taking their money overseas and renoncing their American citizenship. This, of course, means they are now paying NO taxes to the U.S. When you think about if from a financial sense it makes a lot of sense. When you have that kind of money you can live elsewhere in as much comfort as you can in the States and a whole lot cheaper.

This weakens the economy even more as the tax base itself leaves. Excessive taxation kills businesses and in turn kills off job opportunities.

Yet we all sit back and vote for people that promise us even more and more social programs and freebies.

Obamacare is one and I would just bet that there a lot of the best and brightest out there that are getting ready to make career decisions and have seen the writing on the wall and are scratching medecine off of their list of career options because they see more and more that government is going to step in and fix prices at their expense.

Healthcare is going to get a whole lot worse. Already the number of doctors that are not accepting medicare patients is on the rise and with plain and simple good reasoning. They can make more money from other sources than medicare. I know that if I were a doctor I would likely do the same thing. Why not? When I can take a patient from another plan and make more money taking care of him I would be a fool not to.

Generally the best in the business go this route and leave only the lesser practices to accept the government money. It's just good financial sense.

There was (and still likely is) an internet rumor going around about the Mustang Ranch, a well known brothel in Nevada. Several years ago the Feds took it over for back taxes. This is the true part. They did take it over. Although rumor has it that the Feds tried to run it, they didn't. My guess is the reason they didn't try and run it is because they couldn't. I wish they had tried. I would have driven straight to the place just to witness the circus that would have resulted in the government trying to run a whorehouse that sells whiskey and women.

I would not have gone there for the sex or liquor, I would have gone there just to laugh myself silly at the way the government would turn such a venture into a three ring circus.

Right now a brothel in Nevada is a fairly simple operation. Sex is a pretty good deal as far as being a renewable resource. The women don't really wear out quickly and can be sold and resold countless times. This has no impact on the enviornment whatsoever and may very well be one of the most enviornmentally friendly businesses in the planet.

Selling whiskey is no hard sell, either. You simply buy it wholesale and sell it for retail by the drink. A quart of ten-dollar wholesale bourbon sold in generous 1.5 ounce drinks nets about 20 drinks, allowing for moderate spillage. At the low price of four bucks a pop, the quart bottle returns a $10 investment with $80 for a $70 gross profit which ain't bad. You can probably make pretty good money running a whorehouse even though expenses are pretty high if you watch what you are doing.

Yet the government would have marched in there and tried to run the operation the results would be hilarious.

Likely OSHA would come charging in and create specifications for the matteresses and other things and make sure the Japanese love swing was properly bolted to the ceiling with the proper reenforced steel beams and was capable of holding the fattest man in the world times six.

Then the Equal opportunity hiring people would have to have their little shot at things making sure that everyone was properly represented by race, color and sex which would mean hiring male prostitutes that would not really get much business and would likely demand that their wages be subsidized.

Federal hiring practices for prostitutes would be then written and mandated and the paperwork required by the Feds to be filled out by customers would be a sight to behold. There would be releases, married men would be made to fill out a spousal consent form, a blood test would be administered followed by a 2 week waiting period and a full criminal background check, all of which would be paid for by the customer.

Customers would be assigned girls by number because the government would insist that every one of the hookers get an equal opportunity to make money.

Of course, the good looking hookers would have none of this and would have hit the road long before this carnival started because they knew they wouldn't make a dime there working for the Feds and hookers are in the business of selling sex to make money. Like fishermen, they go where there is money to be made.

This would require hiring hookers that met stringent government specifications, and God only know what that would entail. Most likely this place would wind up hiring the ugliest women that ever crawled across the face of the earth.

Whiskey sales would likely be rationed in the interest of health and safety and smoking would not be allowed on the property whatsoever, even 100 yards from the door.

Of course, there would be a small clientele. There would be the reporters and a few sick sons of bitches like myself that would show up there just to witness the spectacle and laugh ourselves silly, but that's about it. Anyone that seriously wanted to go to a brothel would simply bypass the joint and go down the road to the next one on the line.

While the whole place would likely turn into yet another miserable Federal failure, the Feds would certainly not admit it and sell it to some competent person that could run it at a profit and pay taxes. After all, that would be an admission of failure and they would likely go straight to Congress and strong-arm a few congressmen and ask for a sudsidy which should be a slam dunk. This would be especially true if the Feds managed to get a list of customers that had visited the place before the government took it over. Lord knows how many of our public officials were likely regulars there before the government took it over. Much of it possibly paid for by us. Blackmailing congress for a subsidy would be a lead pipe cinch.

As yet another otherwise profitable venture winds up sucking on the Federal tit and costing us money.

While I might be wrong in some of my projections, it is a slam dunk bet that the Feds are incapable of running a simple whorehouse, yet these are the people that we permit to take and manage our tax dollars and hand them out to others so freely.

Someone once said that the government spends our money like a drunken sailor and I will tell them from personal experience that they are wrong. During the earlier part of my career I have been a drunken sailor more than once and while I spent money like it was water and piddled away ungodly amounts of cash during wild periods of drunkeness I will have to say that unlike the Feds, I stopped spending when I ran out of money.

One of the only things the Feds have done that was actually working was Social Security. While it was actually no more than a Ponzi scheme to begin with, oddly enough it was actually working out. Projections ran that it wold have run along for several generations until it would have required additional federal help.

That is, of course, until the 60s when Congress saw that huge pile of money and plundered it bare to reenforce the Great Society programs that have been nothing but more reenforcement of failure. They have only ruined the one social plan the government ever created that was actually working, one that was paid for by Americans that went to work and let the government put a portion of their earnings into a fund for their old age when they could no longer work.

It had gone straight downhill from there and there is no telling how much further down the system is going to go down before it implodes.

To the younger generation, when it occurs to you that you are going to spend the rest of your lives I hope to hell this appears somewhere and you find that there was at least one soul out there that did what he could not to leave you with such a mess to clean up.

It's time to simply admit that our social programs on the Federal level are a dismal flop, stop reenforcing failure and simply make everyone start taking care of themselves for a change. If you want to run a social program, at least have the sensibility to run it on a more local level and keep the Feds out of it.

After all, they can't even run a damned whorehouse that sells whiskey.

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  1. Mr. Piccolo:

    I have long been a admirer of your wit & writing. What would you advise a young person to do now?

  2. Truthfully I don't have a goddamned clue.

    Possibly farm as at least you will be able to eat. Another thing is to learn to shoot straight as it seems likely things ain't gonna be too peaceful when the free stuff stops flowing.

    I'll be honest, I do not know what to tell you and it pisses me off to no end what our generation has done to you younger guys and yet everyone still thinks this will go on forever.

    Best of luck to you and maybe during the troubles ahead if you have a minute or two plese remember that there were a few of us that tried to pass the fruits of the country on to you in better shape than we found it.
