Tuesday, June 18, 2019

One of the things I have noticed is that

most of the people that support socialism are not very successful to begin with.

This is not to say they are not educated. Many of these people do have college degrees. For the most part these degrees are pretty useless, though. Like the philosophy major you find working at Starbucks.

A while back at a fast foods joint I spoke with a young lady taking her break. She was in a community college learning to weld. Her plan was to work in the manufacturing sector. She told me there are a lot of small parts needing to be welded and that women are preferred because they have smaller (and presumably more nimble) fingers.

She was not a socialist. She actually had her head screwed on. 

"After high school I looked at myself. I had no skills and my boobs were to small to be a decent stripper," she said. I was lucky I wasn't drinking my coffee. It would have come shooting out my nose. She had a pretty good sense of humor.

Still, she had a plan and was working it. Presumably today she's making a decent paycheck welding sub assemblies at the Frammis factory somewhere. Betcha she's still a capitalist at heart.

Still,  socialism seems to be the refuge of someone that has had a history of making bad choices in life. They feel they can't compete and are trying to drag everyone down to their level instead of elevating themselves.

It's hard having to admit to yourself that getting a degree in philosophy or dance studies was a stupid waste of time and money. It really is. It's a lot easier to demand that someone else take care of you and blaming others for your bad choice.

Successful people as a general rule abhor socialism. They have been successful and are enjoying the rewards of their success and don't want to be dragged down. They didn't work at getting a marketable skill and making a decent living to be forced to give a large chunk of it for the government to hand it to someone that was too lazy and/or stupid to make themselves marketable.

If you take the time to look around and look at those that seem to find socialism a good deal you can generally find they are people  that are unsuccessful.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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