Sunday, June 2, 2019

Someone just hit me up with another 'Cher says..."

So who the hell is Cher? She got a master's in political science or something?


Her Wiki page has her listed as being a 16 year old dropout.

I will cheerfully admit that she has done well in the entertainment business but the entertainment business is just that. It's entertainment, plain and simple.

Please note that the entertainment business includes such things as trained monkeys and numerous things of that nature.

Yet so many people give Hollywood entertainers so much credibility.

It makes no sense.

I have listened to her prattle on about illegal immigration, Donald Trump and a lot of other things. Little of it makes sense.

She claims to support illegal immigrants yet when President Trump suggested dumping illegals into sanctuary cities Cher went off and pleaded with him not to send any to her neighborhood, stating that the social services were already overloaded. 

You don't say! Did she think that they were sitting around in Kansas City with  idle social workers and millions of dollars just waiting for an influx of illegals?

Why we listen to idiots that are supposed to entertain us is beyond me. I don't want trained monkeys to run our government. I want them to dance and entertain me.

Now get up there and dance for me, Cher and shut the hell up.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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