Wednesday, July 29, 2020

I just watched the old Rodney Dangerfield movie 'Back to School'

and the part where he had to take a business class from an idiot that had never been in business and was teaching theoretical crap cracks me up.

Here was a idiot teaching a class with no practical experience and the student was a self made millionaire that had made more money than God.

There's a lot of that going around these days. 

Some wag just pointed out that if classes are not being held because of COVID that that meant that we were going to be better off because that meant that they would not being taught comminism. 

Interesting point.

Communism is far superior to capitalism in the classroom but it doesn't work very well in real life.

We've already tried that in this country with the Pilgrims. The Mayflower Compact had an agreement in it that people would put 10% of their crops etc into a common warehouse of sorts to be distributed to those in need.

After a couple of hard winters where everyone starved the Pilgrim fathers in desperation gave everyone a parcel of land and said it was theirs and they were on their own. Plimoth colony then thrived! 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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