Friday, September 11, 2020

A handsome prince is going to come to rescue you.....NOT

I heard a local mom tell another woman that she wishes her daughter would find a really nice guy and settle down and have a couple of  kids.

And I wish I won the lottery. Ain't gonna happen. One look at the daughter tells me that.

Let's take a look at the young woman.

First of all she's a really overweight but used to have a somewhat pretty face until she colored her hair purple and mutilated her face with piercings and ink. On top of that she had a perticularly foul mouth and a totally entitled attitude.

Coupled with no skills.

Yet the mother seems to think that some handsome devil with a $250K/year job is just going to come out of nowhere and sweep her off  of her feet, marry her and put her in a lovely home in the suburbs and give her three wonderful  children.

Keep dreaming, Mom. Ain't gonna happen. Sad to say, but the only grandkids headed your way are going to come from her coupling with some drunken buffoon that was on a three day bender when he ran into her.

It's sad but one has to look at things from a realistic point of view.

The other thing that should be taken into account is smart men also look at their prospective in-laws and the truth is you ain't no prize, either.

Back when I was dating I looked at my date and looked at her parents, added them both up and divided by two. If I got a negative number there would be no second date.

I do remember one date where the parents scored through the roof but as the evening went on the daughter went well into the negative. There was no second date but I actually did keep in touch with the parents over the years.

There was also the date that never came to fruition because the mother was a nosy bitch and tried giving me the third degree. I looked at the daughter and decided that although she scored well, the mother's minus score caused me to walk off and leave everyone standing agape.

It's sad seeing a young woman destroy what few good looks she had through self-mutilation.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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