Tuesday, September 29, 2020

I see where woman's self-defense classes are chockablock full these days.

which is fine by me. Everyone has a right to be able to defend themselves.

At Richmond some gay dude asked me to hold his flag/placard while he took care of something and I was glad to. Gun rights are gay rights, too. I'd support practically anyone's RKBA.

Anyway, from what I have seen and heard there are a growing number of women that have taken it upon themselves to become armed and that's probably a good thing these days.

Armed women is not a new thing. Some woman have been armed for years. The thing that interests me is that a lot of these women are the kind that thought that owning a firearm was wrong. They have seen the light and have figured out that self defense is an individual responsibility.

When seconds count the police are only minutes away. A lot of women are beginning to figure that one out. And on top of that the defunding and now unreliability of the police in areas makes self defense look like more of a necessity.

Some time ago I wandered into the club house of my sportsman's club and saw a woman's self defense class. I knew the woman running it and she greeted me as I passed by.

The following weekend I ran into a group of women at the range backing ARs and overheard them talking about interlocking fields of fire which caught me off guard. Apparently some of them were neighbors.

This was a few years back and I was surprised as hell to hear that. These women were the kind that gardened islands in streets and things like that yet now they were talking about such things.

A couple of them were waiting their turns with carbines slung across their backs like thsy had grown up with them. They were new shooters and I was surprised to see that because they had adapted so readily.

While I have not checked the schedule of events I am curious if the club is now actively running these courses.

I recently got a call from a member of the LGBTQ community asking me for instruction which caught me off guard for a second until I realized I had volunteered to help out after the Pulse shooting and they got my name off of the lists.

Still, I am not surprised to see women looking for instruction. One of my gun store buddies says most of his sales are to new gun owners and of the new gun owners, over half are women.  

I'm all for it.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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