Thursday, September 24, 2020

Her mother lied to her.

or maybe it was her father. Whoever it was told her she was special and deserved a handsome wealthy prince to marry her and take care of her for life. They told her he was on his way and not to settle for anything less.

Now all 375 pound of her inked, pierced and purple haired self sits there being nasty to everyone that even says hello to her. She's waiting for her prince and eating potato chips all day until he shows up.

Meanwhile the princes are running around with slim, educated, motivated women that had parents that told her like it is and admonished her that she had best come to the table with something to offer.

Don't worry about her supplying grandchildren. There's always some twisted drunk or meth head that will come along and knock her up.

Actually in this day and age I am glad I am not young and dating. I do believe that if I was of that age I would be likely looking overseas for a life's mate. I really don't like what I see here very much these days.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. Hash,
    Who you talking bout?

  2. No names here. Last month I listened to a woman saying she wished her daughter would find a 'real nice, successful guy'.

    A few minutes later the daughter showed up and I saw why it wasn't going to happen. I blame the parents.
