Friday, August 26, 2022

I'm fleabaggin' it.

Which is a generic sailor's term for staying in a place that rents beds.

"Hey, Joe! You fleabagging it?"


"Which one?"

"Waldorf Astoria for 6 grand a night! Company's payin' for it!"

 "What about you, Larry? You fleabaggin' it?"

"Yeah. Spent last night in a hot sheet joint that rented for two bucks an hour."

In short, any hotel, motel, hostel, Air BNB or what have you is referred to by sailors as a fleabag. If they rent a bed they are, in Sailorese,  a fleabag.

I recently said to someone that I was going to grab a fleabag and the great misunderstanding started.

The person that came charging in raised holy hell and set me up in a pretty good hotel. I had to listen to how I was going to get myself a fleabag and so on and so forh and what a great place I was staying in. 

Being the sailor I am, I thanked them for setting me up in a pretty good fleabag.

On the other hand, I have to take a certain amount of responsibility for them being pissed off. I should have known that I was speaking another language to them.

If this ever happens again I will start my conversation off with "Thank you, June. You certainly picked me a nice hotel to stay. How are Wally and the Beav doing?"

Either that or I will start answering them in French. You want a foreign language? I'll give you one.


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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