Saturday, April 27, 2024

The older I get the less Faith I have in juries

in no little part because people have gotten more and more stupid over the years. They've also gotten less education on how the system is supposed to work.

Most Karen and Ken types figure that if the police arrested someone it's because they are guilty when the truth is they arrested the person because they THINK he's guilty.

It's up to the jury to decide if the authorities are correct or not.

Another big thing is that in this day and age not too many people are willing to do. It takes character to oppose the majority. It's just a whole lot easier to throw some poor bastard to the wolves.

Also people don't even understand how the system works.

Many years ago I was on a jury and it was obvious the state didn't have their act together. The defendant was a known prostitute and was charged something else vaguely related.

Eleven of us wanted to throw it out because it was a waste of everyone's time and money. None of us even had a clue as to why the case even came up.

The staunch woman that wanted to vote guilty "because she's a prostitute".

It took us about 3/4s of an hour to explain to her how the system worked and that she was not charged with being a prostitute but being charged with a different crime and what she did for a living had nothing to do with the case.

The other thing about juries is that too many people try and shirk their civic duty and squirm out of jury duty.

That means that most juries are packed with people that were not smart enough to squirm out of it.

Another thing is that the system doesn't like juries that know what they're doing. About 25 years ago I was called and I was truthful when they questioned me. I said that I had read up on my duties as a juror and understood how the system was supposed to work. A couple of questions later I was dismissed out of hand, sent on my way and have never been called again.


In other gnus I wanted breakfast and while scouting through the fridge saw some roast beef, too little to make a decent sandwich with so I used it in an omelet with some onion and exrta sharp cheddar cheese.

It came out pretty good and I'll certainly make another one sometime in the future.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. I served on a jury forty years ago. It was a sobering experience. I hope I never get tried in front of a jury. A jury of my peers? Hell, no. These people were morons. These folks didn't care about the facts, they all wanted to find him guilty, because they had to go back to their jobs.
