Tuesday, November 15, 2022

I wonder why ANYONE with at least half of a brain

would want to leave even a remotely successful career to run for public office these days.

By remotely successsful I'm talking about something like a plumber, electrician, pipefitter, small businessman, or even a ditch digger. Why anyone would want to tear up their family is beyond me because that's what generally happens when someone runs for office.

The first thing your opponents are going to do is dig deeply onto your past to find something dirty on you.

Remember the time you screwed that fat chick when you were bombed out of your mind the year after you graduated from high school? You don't? Think about it. It'll come back to you...

Oh...THAT fat chick. So?

So she's still as fat and still as ugly and remembers it and the fact that your opponent dug around and found out about it and has offered her $750,000 to go on record and say it was against her will.

Now you have to explain THAT one to your family even though the truth is she groped you and carried you out of the party by the short hairs and like to have torn your pants off as she hauled you off.

Not to worry, you're not likely to wind up in prison. It won't even get to court but your entire family has been smeared and over what?

(I laughed at the way Trump handled his accusation. He sued her successfully and everyone laughed that the hooker paid him.)

Still, the game is dirty and generally there are three types of people that head into the political arena.

First is the naive guy that really wants to make a difference. He doesn't last very long.

Then there's the 'what's in it for me?' type that has his hand out all the time.

The third is the idiot that wants to be able to tell other people what to do. (Lust for 'power'.) These guys can kiss my ass because I don't listen to them to begin with. I've seen a few of them that were being ignored screaming, shouting and making empty threats because nobody is listening to them. It's funny, really.

A couple of governors have done this much to my amusement when people were ordered to turn in guns or magazines and nobody did.

IIRC in New Jersey they wanted guns turned in and got about six of them turned in, most likely by scared wives of the owners and out of the six , five of them were probably (rightfully so) beaten senseless by their husbands.

The real reson we get so many idiots running for office is that most people are not stupid enough to play that game.

And I don't blame them.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. The answer can be had in one word: Power.

    Inside of that, and why anyone cares about power, is what it can do for them, their children, their friends, and the new friends that they are about to make. The doors that it opens, the ivy league schools that compete for Junior to attend... The brand new donors that want to help the politician to 'do the right thing...'

    It is tempting, I've seen it. I've been tempted by it, and not for the right reasons.

    The fact that you are comfortable thumbing your nose at 'authority', does not mean they don't care about your defiance, only that you are too small to be on their radar. If you were bigger, more influential, they would have come for you already.

  2. Funny, but just the other day I commented that i do not believe I am still alive and still do not believe I will die of natural causes.
