Saturday, November 5, 2022

Paul Revere did NOT shout "The British are coming!"

He shouted "The Regulars are out!" meaning that the British regular army was headed to Lexington.

Saying "The British are coming!" makes about as much sense as someone driving by with a bullhorn shouting "The Americans are coming!" because then we were all British subjects.

We became Americans later after the war.

Meanwhile after the Battle of Lexington Green where the Colonists got clobbered the Battle of Concord was a bit different. According to a teacher, the Minute Men hid behind billboard and phone poles and sniped the British all the way back to Boston.


Of course nobody know this but George Washington's white horse was not really white. It was in fact light grey.

The reason it is called George Washington's white horse is because when the farmers came into the fields and ate dinner while watching the 6 pm news the horse looked white on the old black and white television sets.

That's not from a teacher. That's from me. Why the hell not?

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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