Sunday, November 27, 2022

New plan for the house.

While I am living small, I think it's time to get the kitchen back up and running as I can eat more for less money and get back with my weight loss program.

I figure that anything that can go in a kitchen cabinet is good to go to be brought back.

I spent a lot of the day cleaning it up until I got sidetracked on a couple of sets of Venetian blinds which I suppose should have just been tossed out but I made three sets of them look brand new.

It was a rainy day today and the warm moist air brought back a tinge of the smoke smell in the garage which is where the fire was. I think a week with a hydroxyl generator running should kill that forever. We'll see. 

It's kind of a nuisance the way things are because the main bathroom has been completely gutted. I can use the toilet in the upstairs half bath and shower in the basement in the original 'after work shower' that was installed back around 1948 and not used probably since maybe the early 60s. A lot of the older houses have these and as primitive as it is, it works. 

I wasn't going to bring in anything (except a bunk and footlocker. a table and a chair) until the entire job gets completed but if it can fit in a remediated cabinet or closet it's good to go. I'll leave the heavy furniture and such in storage.
I guess Neighbor Bob's funeral gave me a head's up because anything decent I have to wear is in storage and while I don't want to bring the whole shooting match over I should have something decent to wear handy. I doubt, for example, that I will need my zoot suit anytime in the very near future.

In fact when I do start bringing things back I am going to go through everything and pitch some of it. 

After holing up on a hotel for so long in between tours at sea really is good to be back home even if it is semi-camping in. Kitty seems a lot happier here, too and as you know, if Kitty is happy then so am I.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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