Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Valentine's month

As made famous by none other than Al Capone.

Nothing like a good Old School mob hit, complete with Tommy Guns to put a day in thee history books.

Of course this is also the month for those obnoxious Jareds ads, which I dispise.

The ads make women appear to be little more that cheap little money grubbing bimbos and they make men look like they're stupid enough to play into that little game.

One thing I would do if I hit a BIG lottery would be to buy the ad spot after the damned Jareds ad for my own.

Geico would be amused;

The ad would be the 'He took her to Jareds' crap until they got to some sailor looking guy Who would rip off Geico.

"Big deal, he took her to Jareds. I just got GREAT news!"

"You're taking the Mrs to Jareds?"

"No. I just saved a bunch of money on jewelry by switching to hookers."

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