Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I hate being rushed by do gooders.

They ought to at least make sure you've commited a crime before they hang you.

Yesterday I pulled into the medical imaging place to get a business card from them because I was passing by and I have an upcoming appointment. It was just a case where it would have been easier to stop then fish through the phone book because I know where the place is, but not the name that''s in the phone book.

So I pulled in and there were 4 parking spaces near the door and they were empty.


At least until I was halfway in and saw they were reserved for pregnant women and new mothers.I stopped, because I generally play by the rules.

Just as I was shifting into reverse, I heard a loud female voice shouting to me that I was parking in an expectant mom space.

Now, it more than obvious that I was moving to another space, yet here is the self-appointed Pregnant Lady Parking Space Sheriff getting ready to throw my ass in jail for conspiracy to park illegally.

I looked, decided that four pregnant women were not likely to pull into the spaces inside the next three or four minutes, so I drove in and parked.

"It's OK, Ma'am. I'm an expectant mother," I said."I'm going in there for a sex change operation and then I, too, will be the proud mother of an 8 pound 12 ounce baby boy."

"What?" She looked a bit confused.

I turned on the warmth. "If you want my penis, I'm sure the doctor will attach it to you in an operation called an addadicktome. You look like you'd make a very proud father."


"I parked in the wrong goddam space and I'm moving...The hell I am! I'm staying right here!"

And with that I shut the engine off, got out of the truck went into the building. I was out in three minutes, she was gone, I hopped back in, fired it up and drove off.

I was faced with a choice and I made it.

I could have either been aggravated or I could have had a little fun being a smart ass.

Still, I hate people that create problems where they are none.

my other blog is:


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