Monday, July 25, 2011

I am up and running and today is aa day of general clean up

which is OK as the place can use it.

I'm in my French Maid's uniform consisting of a pair of shorts and T-shirt,and I'm cleaning the kitchen as the rest of the place isn't too awfully bad.

Breakfast consisting of laftovers is underway and then with everything squared away I begin a new cycle. Make a mess and clean it up.

Yesterday evening early I met the proud father of a young sailor that is somewhat less than enamored with the duties of common seaman as he is doing little but cleaning things up.

He has to wait for his school to open and I guess that will happen soon.

I gave the father a link to the post I made a while ago about how 'the blog stays pink' and told him to pass it on to the kid who apparently thinks that SEALs and Green Berets have maid service.

He'll figure out that a big part of life is the cycle of making and cleaning up messes.

I started to water the flowers and as can be figured, it started to rain which is good as we can use it.

Last night I took the PRC set out and tried getting a certain person in NC to no avail as I guess atmospherics were wrong. I actually heard him very faintly and I guess he heard me but it was so faint we could not exchange callsigns so no QSO.

It should be noted that I was not at home for this, having packed up the rig and strung an ad hoc antenna. What was sweet about the deal is that I was in range of a free WiFi link. That won't happen again for a while.

Sunday afternoon was interesting in that a licky skip netted a signal from Australia which I believe I could have made QSO with except for the fact that everyone and their third cousin twice removed was on the air and as soon as the signal came through they all turned on their linear amps to max and created a pile up I couldn't even begin to think of getting through with my minimalist rig.

The Digger was running 100 watts so I just KNOW I could have exchanged communication with him. It would have been a damned good pelt to hang on my belt to show the naysayers but I guess I'll get lucky eventually.

This ham radio business has actually been good for me as it has kept me occupied and a little more healthier. last summer I hung out and drank too much beer but that is not the case this summer.

Between ham radio and gardening I have seemed to have found a nice place to be and that is a good thing.

my other blog is:

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