Wednesday, November 21, 2012

It is early and I have not had my coffee yet.

Right now I am visiting my neice ad nephew and will have my turkey there tomorrow. It is interesting to note that I am no longer thier 40 year old uncle and they are to longer ten years old. My niece is 31 and my nephew is 30.

They are no longer children and I am no longer middle aged.

I suppose it is a good thing that they are no longer kids because as an old man I might be a bit testy about things. Besides they are a joy to be around now that I do not have to watch myself around them anymore. I can open up more and tell them about some of the whacked out things I was doing as a young man and they are old enough so that my sister isn't going to blow up with me.

They can also relate to a point because they have done a few dopey things themselves.

My niece has two wonderful kids and both of them are real charmers. She's living with her brother now for a while while she gets back on her feet and is moving to her own place with her kids in a couple of weeks. Life is starting to get good for her and I'm happy for her.

She has recently gotten a license in her career and is now to the point where she can support herself and the two children. She has a pretty good job.

I think one of the reasons my niece and nephew are close is that their childhood was a bit rough and my sister taught them that when it came down to push versus shove that they really will only have each other so they help each other out.

Come June my nephew will be getting married and that is one of the only weddings I will be happy to attend. I'm coming if I have to hand propel a wheel chair across the Rockies to attend.

There is somethig rather odd about things.

I suppose if these two were still ten or so I would likely not enjoy them as much as I do now. On the other hand, my neice's six and four year olds are really a joy. It's funny that way.

I watched my niece and nephew grow up from afar and now that one of them has a family of her own it is a joy to be around the little people. Today Uncle Piccolo will take the pair of them to Dunkin' Donuts for a glass of juice and a doughut. I did that about a year or two ago and I was a hero.

It doesn't take much to make little kids happy.

As I sit here I am reminded of a lesson I have learned yet is constantly being retaught.

Life goes on.

Right now as I am awake here I have noticed that my pickup is blocked in by my nepher's car.  I can't go anywhere until someone wakes up which sucks because I guess nobody here drinks coffee and I can't find the fixin's to brew up a pot. Being blocked in means I can't even sneak out to get a cup.

There is, however, some leftover pizza in the reefer so I suppose I am pretty much good to go.

Whoops! There is now activity! The youngest just got up and I suppose she's going to be excited in a minute whe I tell her I'm taking her to Dunkin' Donuts this afternoon.

She isecited. I told her and she instantly got all keyed up.

Now the other little one is up and so is my neiice who just handed me the keys to her car to get some coffee. I was right. Nobody here drinks it.

I'm off for a cup of joe.

Incidentally, this is the first time in days I have gotten any decent sleep because the cat hasn't woken me up when the deer set off the lights at 0330. I slept in until 0530. Good deal.

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