Monday, July 15, 2013

I have been asked for my take on George Zimmerman

which I really didn't want to delve into but I will for the benefit of the studio audience.

Actually what drove me to this is when I saw that some bonehead wants congress to enact a law honoring a thug wannabe that got shot while assaulting a neighborhood watch person.

You guessed it. Someone wants his fellow congresscritters to honor the memory of Treyvon Martin and encourage states from passing Stand Your Ground laws.

Screw that little thug. The entire trial never should have taken place in the first place and would not have if Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson hadn't stirred up the hate pot and turned a simple non-issue into a major media circus.

Please notice that Al didn't show up in town for the verdict as he didn't want any more egg on his face. Neither did Jesse Jackson. Both of those two professional hate mongers likely figured there was going to be an acquittal and didn't want to look foolish after they stirred the pot and forced the state to bring Zimmerman to trial simply for political reasons.

The chief of police of the community did his job. He investigated the shooting and the evidence was that Zimmerman had acted lawfully so he dropped the issue there and for doing his job he got fired. Several million bucks and months later an acquittal proved the chief right. He ought to be reinstated and given his back pay.

I suppose that the Martins will now sue Zimmerman because he wasn't tried under the Stand Your Ground law, but was tried for murder. Had he had an SYG hearing and gotten cleared he couldn't be sued but for whatever reasons his attorney team didn't request an SYG hearing.

Truth is the Martins don't deserve a dime. They did a pretty piss poor job of raising their son and it doesn't make sense to reward bad parents for bad parenting. Good parents don't raise children that turn into violent felons which is exactly what Treyvon Martin died as.

The reason a lot of states have passed Castle Doctrine and SYG laws is simply to prevent criminals from gaining from their crimes. Over the years I have heard of numerous cases of burglars suing homeowners for injuries sustained while burglarizing someone's home.  The SYG laws were passed so that a person lawfully defending themselves couldn't be sued. It makes a lot of sense when you think of it.There's no reason that the victim of a violent attack should be victimized twice, once by a thing and again by an attorney.

As for those that fell for the wonderful angelic pictures of the little thug that were taken when he was 12, snoop around on line and I'll show you some nice pictures of a wonderful kid that delivered newspapers and played baseball in the vacant lot a couple of doors down. His name is Charles Manson.

As far as I'm concerned the wrong people were put on trial. They should have tried the Martins for bestowing the nation with another thug to deal with.

The fact that some congresscritter is trying to have Martin honored by congress is proof positive they don't have a clue. If they do that they ought to do the same thing for Charles Manson because Manson at least did the nation a favor.

Manson at least saved us from having to deal with a bunch of second rate movies with Sharon Tate in them.

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