Tuesday, July 16, 2013

In this morning's paper I just read where Eric Holder is going to pursue the Martin case

which just frosts my ass to no end.

Treyvon Martin was killed during the commission of a violent felony and Eric Holder wants to get justice for the little thug.

Justice has already been served.  George Zimmerman lawfully defended himself and in the process killed Martin. I fail to see where dragging Zimmerman through federal court is going to do anyone any good.

Zimmerman has already been through enough. A jury of Floridians has acquitted him. Let it rest.

The one thing I can not understand is why so many people are seeking justice for a person that was killed during the commission of a violent felony.

I get sick and tired of watching people stick up for thugs. Both Jesse and Fat AL Sharpton are famous for it. I have never seen either of those two stick up for someone that wasn't dirty as hell.

Holder is going to have a pretty hard time because the FBI has already given Zimmerman a pretty clean bill of health. Holder has already had the G-men investigate the holy hell out of Zimmerman and found no signs of him being a racist. Incidentally, being a racist isn't a crime.

Still, I suppose the powers that be can likely trump up something and badger a jury into making something stick.

I suppose there is a federal anti-littering law and Zimmerman didn't police his brass after he fired the shot.

I just wish that people could see this for what it is. It is a simple case of a thug being killed in self defense while committing a violent felony.

If anyone ought to be tried it is Treyvon's parents for not raising him right in the first place.

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