Saturday, May 5, 2018

I have threatened to retire and write a book and expose the entire

maritime industry.

I threatened to do that when I was in the army and a colonel that was within earshot looked at me with a big grin and told me I'd get over it.

He then went on to explain that he had threatened to do the same damned thing when he was a lieutenant but changed his mind as he made captain.

He was a pretty good officer and I respected him for displaying a sense of humor. Most officers would have chewed me out and made fools of themselves pompously defending the dopier side of the Army.

As for threatening to expose the maritime industry, everyone I have met that is in it all give me the same answer.

"Do it!" they say.

Later on I met that same colonel again and I said that I'd bet that I knew which day was the worst in his career.

He looked at me and asked what day that was.

I told him "It was the day the bastards took your company away from you, Sir."

He said he believed I was right. That was a dark day for him.Almost every officer I have asked over the years considered that the high point of their career was being a company commander.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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