Thursday, January 31, 2019

Sometimes hunting your past is a bad idea.

or at least not a good one.

It's one thing to look up an old classmate and tell them there's a reunion coming up and another thing to look up someone you had a relationship with 35 years ago. The former is a pretty safe thing to do, but the latter can really cause bad feelings.

This electronic age makes tracking someone down fairly easy and I had an urge to see what happened to an old girl friend from about 35 years ago.

I got about few minutes into the project and decided that it was not going to be a very good idea because there was a possibility that it would not end very well. 

I did dig and figured out that both of these women have since married. I wasn't that surprised to find out that one had but I was to find out that the other had remarried simply because she told me she was receiving a widow's pension. Her husband had been killed in action in Vietnam. She swore that the government owed her and she was not going to let that pension go. The pension was supposed to last until such time as she was remarried.

She must have truly met someone special to let that pension go.

Anyway I located the two of them but have decided not to make contact with them. I realize I came into their lives at odd times and that both of them have probably changed.

One thing they both share is I left them for Alaska. They had both been warned each time I headed north.

One of them saw me off when I left Colorado to go north for the first time. I have not seen her since.

I left Kodiak in late fall for a winter deciding to have a mild winter in the Seattle area when I met the other woman. Right off the bat I told the second woman I was headed back to Alaska come spring. I told her that some day she'd find my sleeping bag and pack missing and I'd be gone.

Sure enough she later came home to my pack missing and I was gone. I did stay in contact with her for a while and visited her once when I was passing through but we lost touch shortly afterwards.

No. My gut tells me to leave well enough alone and let sleeping dogs lie.

I do wish both of them well though.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Ahh, yes. The old racist comment on the receipt trick.

I just read yet another tale of woe where someone insulted a waitress by writing a slur of some kind on his receipt.

I have not even bothered to follow it because it will probably be yet another hoax.

This is getting old.

Someone mentioned that they photograph every receipt they get just to cover themselves and although it borders on paranoia to me I can understand the reasoning. It's called cover your ass.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

I dropped cable AND the land line and will likely drop Xfinity's internet service soon.

They just don't seem to get it.

I dropped cable and the bill dropped a bit, of course. Then we dropped the landline and left the internet. That dropped the bill to about $100/month for internet service.

Verizon FIOS has a plan running about $40 for a basic and $60 for a better plan. Using the rule of thumb that you go one up from the bottom means a $60 plan will cover my needs.

Now if I were a new customer to Xfinity I would be offered a comparable deal but I am not. I am an existing customer and am ineligible for any good deals.


Adios, Xfinity!

Oh. I do NOT want the government charging in and raising hell with the Xfinity people to make everything fine and dandy.

Just let them go out of business on their own.

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Monday, January 28, 2019

I have come to the conclusion that Trump 2020 is the way I will go.

And with good reason.

The Dems despise him and an awful lot of Republicans in congress do also.

Giving Trump a second term would likely tell congress to smarten up and fly right. It pisses them off and that's always a very good thing.

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Sunday, January 27, 2019

One of the things I have found that sucks are new pillows.

Finding a good one is difficult at best. The newer models have whatever synthetic stuff as a filling. Old School pillows use feathers as a stuffing.

I found a pair on eBay for a halfway decent price and bought them. They are those old blue striped pillows made out of feathers and mattress ticking. They don't make them like that any more. They are a joy to sleep on.

One glance told me that they were made on a government contract for use in military barracks, hospitals, mental institutions and the like.

The first time I slept on one of them I knew I had made the right decision to buy them. I slept like a log.

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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Steve McQueen movie to day.

The Sand Pebbles, what is to many considered his best performance.

I suppose his most popular performances were in 'The Great Escape' and 'Bullet' but I think his best performance was of Jake Holman in 'The Sand Pebbles'.

Four bucks on Ebay got it to my door.

Incidentally most people do not know about our involvement in China before WW2. It was considered a pretty good gig for Sailors and Marines. A number of them took their retirement there and married/shacked up with Chinese women and raised families. Often they opened bars and or brothels to take care of the needs of the serving Sailors and Marines on active duty.

I met one onetime, he was an old man then. He had retired in CHina, married a Chinese woman and right after Pearl Harbor managed to escape to Russia with his wife and kids. From there they caught a ride to the States and he spent the war in California doing something for the Navy.

He was an interesting man and he gave me his recipe for Hot Buttered Rum which I make every Halloween for the grownup trick or treaters.

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Friday, January 25, 2019



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Thursday, January 24, 2019

One of the things people sometimes don't understand is why

it looks like women are not given equal pay for equal jobs. Truth is they pretty much are. 

I suppose there are a couple of rinky dink little two-bit companies with two pay scales if one were to dig deeply enough but it's hardly enough to bother with. I would imagine there are a few companies that pay men less also. Again you would have to dig.

The truth is that they are playing with the numbers. 

Women are given choices that men are not. They can have children. Men can't.

There are quite a number of stay at home moms and mothers working part time that they include in their calculations.

When you run the numbers it's a lead pipe cinch that men on the average make more because more men than woman are working full time.

The only way that the system could make things even out is to have two pay rates, one for men and a much higher one for women. That would compensate for the mothers that stay at home or work part time. Of course that ain't gonna fly.

This entire issue is a made up issue to make people think that women are getting cheated. They are not. 

You can't have your cake and eat it, too. You can either work full time or stay home unpaid and raise a family but you can't have both!

Pick one!

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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Short of time.

Things are happening very fast now.

I MIGHT have some time tonight but it is doubtful.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

How many gallons in an hour?

Sometimes I have to fill a fresh water tank.

This means I have to ask a vessel for water and they generally give me what they can afford. If they can't give me a full tank they tell me what they can afford.

"I can give you an hour's worth." is a fairly common answer.

That means the garden hose gets put into the filler tube and the vessel pumps for an hour.

Assuming the engineer is honest and doesn't quietly shut it off the minute one's back is turned the tank gets whatever goes through the hose in an hour.

Of course this really doesn't mean a whole lot because nobody ever wants to say how many gallons there are in an hour.

Working on the water is often a strange place.

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Monday, January 21, 2019

Someone started in on me with why I should get a tattoo.

By Old school rules, tattoos were for convicts, bikers, sailors and French Foreign Legionnaires. US Service people are also permitted to get one service related tat, a couple examples are a Seabee getting the Seabee emblem or a paratrooper getting jump wings.

I am a sailor and under Old School rules I qualify. I am eligible for an Old School Sailor Jerry's tattoo, a shipmate made hand made tat or maybe one by an Asian artist in a foreign port.

I am not eligible for, say, some kind of currently in the vogue tat from some clown in a place like Scranton.

For a while I considered a Sailor Jerry's mermaid on my left upper arm but when I started giving it some serious thought I nixed it. They have gotten too damned mainstream.

When I see teenage girls and grandmothers with full sleeves and slathered with ink I instantly decided against it. It means that it is 
certainly far too mainstream for my taste.

Anyway, someone has been asking me why I have no ink. I told him I didn't want any and of course, the big question was why not.

I think I nipped this one in the bud.

I pointed out that mob guys don't get inked because they are distinguishing marks that can be used for identifying them. When he asked me again I went 'Quick fix'. I simply told him I was a criminal and would commit a violent crime against him if he asked again and I didn't want any identifying marks on me to identify myself after I stuffed him through a chipper/shredder.

That drew a sour look but stopped him dead in his tracks.

Truth is I have no ink simply do not want to look like a teenager or someone's grandmother.

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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Ah, yes. The woman's march.

against the president.

Let's see now, let's make a list of all the terrible things Donald Trump has done to women.

1. Uhh...uhh...uhh.

Looks like a pretty small list to me.

Truth is the Woman's march is just a group that hates him because it is the in thing to do.

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Saturday, January 19, 2019

There are things that are a waste of my time and someone else's money.

So called fine dining is one and oversized homes are another.

A while back at work we went along the coast somewhere and saw all sorts of gazillion dollar homes. They were huge and very expensive, of course. While we were looking at them someone pointed out that this humongous mansion was inhabited by one older woman. It struck me as a waste of just about everything.

Personally I think that a 1.5 story Cape is way too much house for me but I am what I am. Sometimes I don't go upstairs for months at a time.

Still, I am not some kind of communist. I figure if you have that kind of money and want to spend it on a 63 bedroom home that's your business. 

Anyway, the other thing that is wasted on me is so-called fine dining. A couple of years ago I got invited to eat at one of those expensive restaurants and it practically turned into a melee.

I tried to beg off politely and it became the old game of they didn't seem to understand I just didn't want to go so they insisted and I politely tried again to beg off. This went round and round a while until I lost my temper and dug my heels in. It got ugly. 

I asked him when the last time there had been a food fight in the place. He said he had never heard of one.

I told him that tomorrow morning the answer was going to be 'last night' if he insisted on taking me there because I would start one. 

He looked confused and said he didn't understand why I didn't want to go to such a place. I told him I thought it was a complete waste of money because I simply have no desire to eat at a place like that.

I got the usual confused ''Well...well...well..." out of him and he asked me why. I simply gave him a 'Because I don't'. Truth is, I don't eat at places where a tie is required.

"Well, couldn't you just..." he started.

"NO!" I interrupted.

I just don't like pretentious places like that. If you want to impress me then take me someplace that serves down home cooking.

Hmm....Now that I have been thinking about this, I ought to go check out the meat loaf at the diner that opened up on the highway last year. I tried breakfast there several months ago and it was okay.

Wonder what the meat loaf is like.

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I recently told a teenager

That he doesn't have to apologize to anyone for being white and a male.

Several years ago I told the same thing to a black teenage girl.

Nobody has to apologize to anyone for things that are beyond their control.

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Friday, January 18, 2019

A young man asked me what he ought to do for a living when he finishes school.

I didn't think twice. I said ''tattoo removal''.

He's got another six or seven years now before he gets out of college and by that time there are going to be any number of people that have tattoos they regret getting. I would imagine the customers would just line right up if he could make them disappear.

It's called thinking ahead.

Personally I have none even though I am eligible for one by Old School rules. Back in the day Tattoos were pretty much restricted to convicts, bikers, sailors and French Foreign Legionnaires.

I qualify because I am a sailor. I have actually considered getting an Old School Sailor Jerry mermaid on my left upper arm that could he hidden with a short sleeved shirt but have decided against it.

A new tattoo on an old arm makes a guy look like he is trying to keep up with the kids and be cool and that ain't me.

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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Richard Overton is no longer with us.

Richard Overton passed on

He was 112 when he passed. The oldest WW2 vertran at the time.


Once a few years back at Camp Perry an old guy wandered into the Marine barracks and shot the shit with the guys.

He mentioned serving at Guadalcanal and later Pelilieu.

He was stumbling off and was just getting out of earshot when a Staff Sergeant looked at a Master Sergeant and commented that there were a lot of old guys running around that at one time had been bigger badasses than the two of them put together.

The Master Sergeant grinned and told the Staff Sergeant he was sure right about that.

Both men had extensive combat tours.

The noticed I had gotten along well with the old coot and one of them mentioned it.

I told them that those were the guys that raised me. I spoke their language and worshipped them growing up. I suppose I took a lot of it for granted at the time.

Then I looked at the pair of them and grinned. "I was raised on the shoulders of giants," I said.

"You sure were," they said.

A couple years earlier at Quantico I was Mainside and went into the McDonald's for a cup of coffee which I took outside. I was drinking it next to a corporal and saw and old man take a huge detour to avoid a lieutenant and then he made a beeline to the corporal.

"Hey, Mac," he asked. "Where's the nearest head?"

The corporal pointed to the McDonald's and the old guy stumped off toward McDuck's. When he was gone the corporal looked at me.

"He called me 'Mac'," he said.

"That's because he's a former enlisted Marine," I replied. "Probably Korea, maybe WW2. Did you watch him skirt that lieutenant? Back then an enlisted man never addressed an officer. They were to be avoided and I guess old habits die hard. He's definitely an Old School Marine. Want to talk to him when he comes by again?"

The corporal's curiosity was raised and he said he would like that.

As he left McDonald's and wandered by I addressed him. "Hey, Mac! When was you in the Corps?"

"Forty-nine to fifty-three," he answered. " Korea with Chesty Puller." Like any marine that served with Chesty he was pretty proud of it and it showed.

The corporal started talking to him. I checked my watch, saw it was time to be somewhere else took my leave and let the two talk a bit. 

As I was leaving I heard the old timer tell the corporal "I tried to get into the Corps near the end of WW2 but my mother found out about it and put the kibosh on that. I was fourteen..." I felt bad because I knew I was missing a good story.

Those old timers were the guys that mentored me. We could use a lot more like them now.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I once had business in Baltimore and had a little time to wait.

I spent it in an Inner Harbor mall of sorts that had a 50s-60s styled eatery in it. I think I got a piece of pie there. I did look at the juke boxes.

When I left I ran into a beat cop and asked him for directions. The officer in question was a black man. I asked him how many favors he had pulled in to get such a good beat. He confessed he had a hard time getting it as it was a good beat. For one thing it was inside and air conditioned in the summer and heated in the winter.

He also commented that a beat like the one he had was a damned sight better than duty in a patrol car which was light years better than a street beat.

I mentioned I was an out of towner and commented that Baltimore probably had a large black community. He looked at me curiously and said it was a large black community and asked me how I had figured that one out.

I told him that I figured that one out by looking at the jukeboxes.

"The jukeboxes?!" he asked. "How do you figure that?" He was a tad confused and curious.

I explained to him that in 1959 Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper were killed in a plane crash and rock 'n roll pretty much died until the Beatles showed up in '64. I pointed out that rock as we knew it was continued on by a lot of black artists. The jukeboxes in the 50s-60s place had an inordinate number of black artist recordings in them. I pointed out that if the area was snow white there would have likely been more countryish music in the jukes.

He looked at me thoughtfully and then said I'd probably have made a pretty good cop. I grinned.

"I don't deal with stupid well," I said. "Police officers deal with an awful lot of stupidity."

He laughed. "You got that one right."

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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Well, the shutdown continues and has set a new record.

I am not surprised. The hate for Trump has seemed to swell with every one of his successes. If you look around and do some digging you will find out that he has gotten quite a bit done since he was elected and you can bet your ass the Dems hate him for it.

He's gotten more done in the first 20 months of his term than Obama did in the entire 8 years he served. You remember the Obama shutdowns where he tried to make it hurt the public?

Team Trump is doing just the opposite. He's trying to make it easier on the public.

On the other hand Trump with his usual ballsy approach has taken responsibility for the shut down and probably wants to minimize the damage as much as he can.

What is interesting is I have heard from a number of people that are government employees and are out of work that say they support the President. While I won't say how, this shut down is effecting me adversely and still I want Trump to stick to his guns.

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Monday, January 14, 2019

Someone asked me what I think should be done

to stop illegal immigration and I replied that creating a 100 yard free fire zone at the border would certainly do the trick.

If you want to look at the Big Picture it is probably the kindest solution to the illegal immigrant situation.

The process is simple, really. You simply announce that as of such and such a date and time anyone found in the zone will be shot.

Of course there will be a few hardy souls that will test the waters and will find themselves waking up in a casket but in the big picture that's a small price to pay.

First of all, such a move will stop illegals from entering the country illegally. This will save us billions. It will also reduce narcotics, human trafficking and make it harder for terrorists and gang bangers to enter the country.

Now lets look at the humanitarian side of things. What will it do for those people south of the border.

First of all they will stop coming right now. 

They will stop being used as drug mules. They will not get sucked into human trafficking schemes. The coyotes that rob and cheat these people along the way will have to simply have to find another line of work.

President Trump said in his address that one in three women passing through Mexico en route to the States are sexually assaulted. Other sources say it is closer to twice that. This will stop simply because the Central and South Americans will stay out of Mexico. They will not even attempt to enter the States. This will also make life a lot easier for Mexico.

Over the years I have posted that the best way to remove a band aid is to simply give the damned thing a yank and get it done and over with. I have also said that the best way to deal with a hostage situation is to simply shoot the hostage.

What I actually mean by shoot the hostage is to simply ignore the threats of the hostage taker and simply go in and take him out regardless of what happens to the hapless soul that has had the misfortune to be used as a bargaining chip. 

The Russians do this as a matter of course. The key end result is that hostage situations in Russia are very rare and as a result if you look at the Big Picture lives are saved. You don't hear of hostage situations in Russia very often because it never works for the hostage takers. The Russians charge in and deal with it, hostages or not. They simply refuse to deal with these criminals and terrorists.

I read a while ago where a couple of Russian policemen attended some sort of police seminar in this country. The subject of car chases was brought up and the Russian officers looked confused. They said that car chases never happen in Russia.

The instructor asked why chases never occur in Russia and one of the Russian officers spoke up. "Have RPG in car," he said in the simple Russian version of English. His tone of voice carried contempt for the American system of letting things slide. We too often let these people get away with it, fearful of collateral damage.

In short car chases don't occur very often in Russia because the Russians simply do not tolerate it.  

Of course, we Americans would go stark staring bonkers if the powers that be tried declaring the border a free fire zone. Amnesty International would go wild demanding heads of the government officials that ordered it.

Much of this is probably out and out hate for Trump.  A lot more is because the Democrats want illegals into the country so they can illegally vote which is utter crap. A lot of Republicans want them in here as a source of cheap labor. More crap.

Let's face it, our elected officials talk a lot but very few of them give a damn about honestly trying to save the country from collapsing nor do they care a whit about the human suffering. An awful lot of our uncaring and/or unthinking congress critters should probably be tarred and feathered.

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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Mitt Romney

is nothing more than a self-centered carpetbagger that actually thinks he ought to be president.

He is a RINO and serves as a perfect example of the swamp creatures that we are trying to get rid of.

Harry Reid just endorsed Romney for presidential candidacy and that says a lot because Harry Reid is yet another swamp creature that ought to be thrown ashore into the sun and be allowed to dry out.

Romney is nothing more or less than a carpetbagger with no alliances to any particular state. He served as the governor of Massachusetts for a term and when that ended he packed his carpet bag and headed off to find another political gig.

He eventually landed in Utah and as an alleged conservative he cashed in on his LDS background and entered the Senate there.

He really ought to have gotten out of politics after he left Massachusetts but I guess he was too hateful toward President Trump. My guess is it's envy because Mitt lost his candidacy for POTUS when Obama clobbered him a few years back.

Face it, Mitt. You're a loser. You're going to spend the rest of your life in your mom's jeans with your nose in the air. You'll never be one of the guys. 

If you had half of a brain you would stop trying to stick it to Donald Trump. He has a lot of fans and they have long memories.

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Saturday, January 12, 2019

With the government shut down

it is not able to interfere with our lives.

This is going to leave an awful lives un interfered with unless we step up to the plate and interfere with our own lives. 

If course nobody interferes with lives better than government but we're AMERICANS, dammit and we'll just do the best we can. We'll interfere with out own lives until government gets back up and running and gets back to doing the job of making things different and difficult for us.

Someone pointed out that people know about their own lives and because of that it is easier to understand things and makes it harder to interfere with his own life.

Government has the edge here because they don't have clue one as to what someone has to deal with so they can come charging in making up arbitrary rules as they go along and REALLY botch things up.

Still, with the government shut down we're on our own. It is going to be quite interesting to see how Americans manage to interfere with their own lives.

Of course, there are always the poor and a lot of them are either too lazy or incapable of doing anything right so maybe as an act of charity some of us that are more capable can volunteer to make life a little more miserable for the poor.

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Friday, January 11, 2019

One of the humanitarian aspects of a wall on the border

would be that a lot of the poor headed toward the United States would stop trying to make the trip and enter the country.

A lot of them would be far better off if they did not try. They leave their country without a plan or any Stateside contacts and fall right into the hands of the coyotes, cartels and other human predators. If they are fortunate they only lose their money. 

A tremendous number of women get raped in the course of trying to cross the border. President Trump said it was about one woman in three but I have actually read that the figure is closer to double that.

If not they get caught up in human trafficking find themselves being used as drug mules. If they do arrive in the States it often means they will be little more than farm slaves as they are often taken advantage of by people that supply farms with laborers.

In short, this is another part that the anti wall people do not want you to see.

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Thursday, January 10, 2019

I have to watch out on my sarcastic advice giving.

On a CPAP machine used for sleep apnea there is a chamber for water. The water as a very fine mist is breathed because it keeps one's nose and throat from drying out while they sleep.

Someone once asked me if I knew of a scent or something to put into the water. Personally I see no reason to do this. The water works just fine but a lot of people tend to try improve everything that comes down the pike.

Anyway I suggested adding a tablespoon or two of Pine Sol to the water reservoir and said it would smell like he was sleeping in a Christmas tree stand. I was being sarcastic.

Of course, he tried it, drew a couple breaths and gagged. He instantly flushed the reservoir out and went back to water. 

Then the next time he saw me he jumped on my case. He was madder than a wet hornet.

I told him he ought to get his sarcasm meter calibrated and that thinking is not an option in this life. I said, "Pine Sol? Really? Did you stop for a second and think? What were you smoking?"

I suppose we'd ALL be better off is we stopped every so often and thought things through.

And I suppose I better slow down a bit on being a smart ass because as we as a society get dumber and dumber it's a matter of time before I suggest someone jump off of a bridge and he does.

That in itself would not really bother me but as we get dumber and dumber we tend to go after other people and blame them for our misfortunes. 

A while ago one of the GPS companies got sued because it told a woman to turn and she did and drove herself into a lake. 

I suppose if I do not change my ways I will find myself in court for telling someone to look for a gas leak with a cigarette lighter. On the other hand if some crayon eater is stupid enough to take my advice and blows themselves up it's really not too much of a loss. 

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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

COngress is being propelled by hate.

I have been listening to the Democrats call people they disagree with as hate mongers which is a crock.

The truth is that both the Democrats and RINOs are running on hate when you look at them.They hate Donald Trump and are trying to do everything they can to stick it to him.

It's not politics, it's HATE.

The American public elected a businessman and he's being successful and the politicians that have been our professional ruling class are finding out that they can easily be replaced.

Therein lies the reason for the hate. He's shown us the Emperor has no clothes on.

What is even more interesting is that a lot of people are slowly starting to come around. Of all places I have seen it is among a number of working stiff blacks in Philly. I have heard any number of working black men make favorable comments about President Trump.

It's most likely going to get worse.



Last night President Trump spoke to the nation about keeping the government shut down until Congress give him money for the wall. Pelosi and Schumer blubbered that they wanted air time for a rebuttal and got it.

The both looked very stupid and made it pretty obvious that they don't give a damn about national security, or the American people whatsoever. Their rebuttal made it clear as a bell that refusing the very thing they both supported during the Obama administration a couple of years ago was being done out of malice, spite and outright hate for Donald Trump.

Edited to add: Stand your ground, Mr. President. If this lasts until February the EBT cards will be no good and you will have an awful lot of SNAP recipients willing to hang their representatives and senators.

Stand your ground!!

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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Some politicians are wandering feedbags.

Mitt Romney was born in Michigan, served as governor of Massachusetts and is now being a pain in the ass as a senator from Utah.

Hillary Clinton was senator from New York even though she had been the First Lady of Arkansas.

These two clowns are not alone. There are more out there that are wandering troubadours of politics. The go to wherever they can find a gig.

It's really wrong but I do have to lay the blame on the place that accepts these people and votes them in. 

For one thing it helps create a ruling class which is just what we don't need.

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Monday, January 7, 2019

I see where a couple of brave Congressmen are talking about term limits.

In theory term limit are in place. It's called the vote but the other side of things are that the people really only get two choices, the candidates the party gives us. It puts us in a lurch.We generally have a choice between the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate given to us by the respective party.

This leads to people becoming career politicians. Look at Charles Schumer as an example. I do not believe he has ever cashed a non government paycheck in his adult life. He's been a career politician and he's not alone.

The Founding Fathers never envisioned a self appointed ruling class of career politicians. They figured someone successful would serve a term or two in Congress as a way of paying back the community so to speak.

The Charles Schumers and Nancy Pelosis in this country have just grown too powerful. It's time to knock them down a peg or three.

Ted Cruz is pushing for this and it is interesting to note that he advocates no more than 12 years for a senator. This means if Ted gets his way he will be ineligible for re-election. This speaks highly of him.

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Sunday, January 6, 2019

One of the things about a law is not how it can be used to our good

It is how the law can be abused to our detriment.

While red flag law can be utilized to disarm someone that is a true danger to society, it can be abused to disarm practically anyone. It doesn't take a whole lot to get the powers that be knocking your door down to confiscate someone's guns.

Even though they add that a person has a right to a hearing means nothing if the victim of the law faces some kind of a liberal judge. It also likely means that the accused is going to have to cough up a lot of money to defend himself in court.

Needless to say this royally screws the poor.

It will tend also to get more strictly enforced as time passes. Probably to the point where someone can say they are in fear of anyone in their town that owns a firearm is enough to have the entire town disarmed.

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Saturday, January 5, 2019

My guess is that Trump loses in 2020 and here's why.

Second Amendment types are rabid defenders of the Second Amendment 

One of Trump's campaign promises was no gun control.

Right now as usual the Democrats are introducing a pair of gun control laws, the Universal Background Check and the Red Flag rules.

I do believe that there are enough do-good RINOs in the Senate that will give these bills the nod and they will pass. Passing through the house is a given.

They will go to Trump for signature.

If he signs them he has just signed away his shot at re election. It won't even be close.

If he doesn't he'll get the support of the Second Amendment types who are still feeling burned by him over his stand on the so-called bump stock issue.

It won't be because the 2nd Amendments guys will vote against him. It's because they will  likely not vote at all.

I don't think Trump looks at the 2nd Amendment the way many of us do. My guess is he'll think the red flag law makes sense and sign it.

One of the signs of a bad law is not how it can be used to improve our lives, but how it can be abused to our detriment and a Red Flag law is a classic example of a law that sounds good but is wide open for abuse.

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Friday, January 4, 2019

Our new Congress Critters are already running their mouths.

They are out to torpedo Donald Trump.


The movie is an Old School Classic starring Humphrey Bogart as Captain Queeg.

At the end the officer appointed as the lawyer defending the officers that overthrew Queeg walks into the officers who are in self righteousness are celebrating their acquittal and goes off on them. He humiliates them for not trying to help the Captain instead of trying to block his every move and overthrow him.

Those officers actually should have been cashiered out of the Navy instead of being permitted to stay.

An awful lot of Congress are doing exactly this to President Trump. They are blocking his every move with no regard whatsoever for the good of the American people. It's all about them.

It's really too bad that recalling a congress critter, especially a senator isn't a whole lot easier. The behavior of someone in a position is directly related to the ease with which they can be ousted from said position. That and coupled with how the actual dealings with the people that elected them work.

Looking back on things, Sarah Palin was once the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. She had to face her constituents daily on a face to face basis, friend and foe alike. She knew she had to behave.

I have also seen a local state representative have to defend himself against a group of angry fishermen before. 

When an elected official knows he is just swing away from a beating he tends to do things more carefully. It was truly interesting to watch an elected state representative deal with constituents while seriously being concerned about having someone take a swing at him.

Unfortunately elected officials from urban areas don't have to face the people that elected them. As a result they often forget all about them.

It's time our congress critters were taught a lesson or two about who they work for.

One other thing. Are these people really so dumb as to believe they really have the respect, loyalty and obedience of the average American? I used to think nobody was that dumb but I think I was wrong there.

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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Hash is likely to be down for a while.

Technical difficulties.

I won't get into it here

Will explain why when it is back up

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I have a lot to get done today

And damned little time to do it in.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2019

I see where they found some swastika graffiti in Florida

and they are making somewhat of a to do about it.

So what. Get over it. There are still racists and anti Semites out there. There always have been and there always will be. This is hardly news.

On the other hand, the incidents of Old School Klan type racism is at somewhat of a low from what I have observed.

Then again there have been a tremendous increase in false flag operations these days. Some leftist may have put it there to be able to accuse Trump voters of racism.

I really wouldn't like to bet on this but if I had to I would probably go with false flag operation because too many things like this have proven to be just that, false flag operations.

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