Wednesday, January 9, 2019

COngress is being propelled by hate.

I have been listening to the Democrats call people they disagree with as hate mongers which is a crock.

The truth is that both the Democrats and RINOs are running on hate when you look at them.They hate Donald Trump and are trying to do everything they can to stick it to him.

It's not politics, it's HATE.

The American public elected a businessman and he's being successful and the politicians that have been our professional ruling class are finding out that they can easily be replaced.

Therein lies the reason for the hate. He's shown us the Emperor has no clothes on.

What is even more interesting is that a lot of people are slowly starting to come around. Of all places I have seen it is among a number of working stiff blacks in Philly. I have heard any number of working black men make favorable comments about President Trump.

It's most likely going to get worse.



Last night President Trump spoke to the nation about keeping the government shut down until Congress give him money for the wall. Pelosi and Schumer blubbered that they wanted air time for a rebuttal and got it.

The both looked very stupid and made it pretty obvious that they don't give a damn about national security, or the American people whatsoever. Their rebuttal made it clear as a bell that refusing the very thing they both supported during the Obama administration a couple of years ago was being done out of malice, spite and outright hate for Donald Trump.

Edited to add: Stand your ground, Mr. President. If this lasts until February the EBT cards will be no good and you will have an awful lot of SNAP recipients willing to hang their representatives and senators.

Stand your ground!!

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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