Tuesday, January 1, 2019

I see where they found some swastika graffiti in Florida

and they are making somewhat of a to do about it.

So what. Get over it. There are still racists and anti Semites out there. There always have been and there always will be. This is hardly news.

On the other hand, the incidents of Old School Klan type racism is at somewhat of a low from what I have observed.

Then again there have been a tremendous increase in false flag operations these days. Some leftist may have put it there to be able to accuse Trump voters of racism.

I really wouldn't like to bet on this but if I had to I would probably go with false flag operation because too many things like this have proven to be just that, false flag operations.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. The minor riffraff is MAGNIFIED by the MSM running a PR campaign for the miscreants.

    98% of this nonsense would go away if there wasn't a guarantee that the MSM would give the perps center stage, and that the blogoverse wouldn't further work itself into a tizzy.

    Anti-social behavior like graffiti depend on the lavishment of attention. This rewards the bad behavior.

    Quietly paint it out, remove it, and in the quiet hunt down the perps.

    Do NOT martyr the perps, but assign them community service hours and therapy. Something embarrassing to their cause like bed pan duty at the county hospital.

    Or literally sweeping the streets, or picking up litter & dog poo in the parks.

    For safety they would of course need to wear a reflective safety vest, emblazoned naturally with something like "Community Service Participant."

    The public version of a Dunces Hat.

    Let ANY PR they receive be personally embarrassingand humiliating.

    AND sentence the report, editor and media owners who MAGNIFY the original misdeeds to the same punishment, but doubled.

    Afraid it might have to apply to the blogger who titillates, rather than constructively writing about the incident.

    Nip this BS off now.
