Friday, January 4, 2019

Our new Congress Critters are already running their mouths.

They are out to torpedo Donald Trump.


The movie is an Old School Classic starring Humphrey Bogart as Captain Queeg.

At the end the officer appointed as the lawyer defending the officers that overthrew Queeg walks into the officers who are in self righteousness are celebrating their acquittal and goes off on them. He humiliates them for not trying to help the Captain instead of trying to block his every move and overthrow him.

Those officers actually should have been cashiered out of the Navy instead of being permitted to stay.

An awful lot of Congress are doing exactly this to President Trump. They are blocking his every move with no regard whatsoever for the good of the American people. It's all about them.

It's really too bad that recalling a congress critter, especially a senator isn't a whole lot easier. The behavior of someone in a position is directly related to the ease with which they can be ousted from said position. That and coupled with how the actual dealings with the people that elected them work.

Looking back on things, Sarah Palin was once the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. She had to face her constituents daily on a face to face basis, friend and foe alike. She knew she had to behave.

I have also seen a local state representative have to defend himself against a group of angry fishermen before. 

When an elected official knows he is just swing away from a beating he tends to do things more carefully. It was truly interesting to watch an elected state representative deal with constituents while seriously being concerned about having someone take a swing at him.

Unfortunately elected officials from urban areas don't have to face the people that elected them. As a result they often forget all about them.

It's time our congress critters were taught a lesson or two about who they work for.

One other thing. Are these people really so dumb as to believe they really have the respect, loyalty and obedience of the average American? I used to think nobody was that dumb but I think I was wrong there.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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