Monday, January 7, 2019

I see where a couple of brave Congressmen are talking about term limits.

In theory term limit are in place. It's called the vote but the other side of things are that the people really only get two choices, the candidates the party gives us. It puts us in a lurch.We generally have a choice between the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate given to us by the respective party.

This leads to people becoming career politicians. Look at Charles Schumer as an example. I do not believe he has ever cashed a non government paycheck in his adult life. He's been a career politician and he's not alone.

The Founding Fathers never envisioned a self appointed ruling class of career politicians. They figured someone successful would serve a term or two in Congress as a way of paying back the community so to speak.

The Charles Schumers and Nancy Pelosis in this country have just grown too powerful. It's time to knock them down a peg or three.

Ted Cruz is pushing for this and it is interesting to note that he advocates no more than 12 years for a senator. This means if Ted gets his way he will be ineligible for re-election. This speaks highly of him.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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